The Rock Church


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“Your kindness will reward you, but your cruelty will destroy you.” Proverbs 11:17

What a simple but impactful verse to obey. Being kind will reward you; being cruel will destroy you. This can apply to your thoughts, your actions, and your words.

In your thoughts, are you thinking the best about people or are you creating elaborate ideas about how bad that person is? If so, that will starts to eat at you, destroying you on the inside. How about in your actions? Are you kind in how you interact with people? Do you do things that bring joy to those around you? What about with your words? Do you say things that build people up or do you tear people down?

When we start to filter what we do throughout the day (using a verse like this as the filter), it’s easy to see how being kind can bring life, but cruelty will destroy.

This week, I challenge you to seek out ways to be kind to people! Send an encouraging email, text message or pick up the phone and actually give someone an encouraging call. Buy the drink for the person behind you in line at Starbucks. Even doing simple things like being nice to the person taking your lunch order is an act of kindness. Smile at someone serving you, ask how they are doing, and thank them for helping you!

There are so many ways you can extend kindness this week.


Posted in A Word from the Pastor