One of the things that really gripes me about death is that it seems so final. We allow our minds to grasp the concept of that finality — “I will never see this person again.” or “No more holiday gatherings, no more meals, no more family reunions, no more jokes.” Death sucks. It separates us from the ones who we love and enjoy.
This, however, is where the beauty of the Gospel breaks through that dark thinking. For those of us who are in Christ, death is not final. Death is a bridge to the dwelling place of our Lord. Death seems final and unless your name is Lazarus, there is no coming back. But, we are a people with hope! Jesus Christ literally defeated death in His death and resurrection.
“Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” – 1 Corinthians 15:54b-55
What does this mean for us? A right understanding of death should compel us. It should compel us to live our lives with an end goal. It should compel us to live for the long-term, to share the Gospel, to look past the temporary hardships of this life and to see our tangible hope in Jesus’ work on the cross.
Do you have a right understanding of death? When you look at death, do you see victory? You should.
In Christ,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor