The Rock Church


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priorities, a word by pastor Billy Johnson of the rock church in utah

I’ve been at my new job as a maintenance electrician for almost three months. For over a decade, I’ve worked a lot of overtime as an industrial/commercial electrician. I worked in mines, salt plants, airfields, factories, and high rise buildings. It wasn’t uncommon for me to get to work before the sun came up, work all day, and come home after dark. I would then sit at the kitchen table to do paperwork, while my wife waited (for an hour or so), to have a conversation with me. I worked hard to provide for my family and make sure my jobs came in on time and under budget. This is what God called me to do, right? Wrong.

“Providing for my family” was how I justified missing every meal with my wife and kids for weeks on end. “Providing for my family” was how I justified not tucking my kids in for bed and praying for them at night. How I justified not making it to birthday parties, family and church events, etc.

It was time to face the facts. I had to accept the reality that I was spending way too much time away from my family. If I didn’t get my priorities straight, I was going to miss the biggest ministry and responsibility God had for me — my family.

God called me to be like Jesus to my wife (Ephesians 5:25). How could I be like Jesus to Ashley when I was never around? God called me to make disciples (Matthew 28:19). What better disciple-making conditions could possibly exist than the God-designed structure of seeing my children as my disciples (Deuteronomy 6:6,7)? Don’t misunderstand me, God has absolutely called me to provide for my wife and kids (1 Timothy 5:8) and to work hard at my job (Colossians 3:23). I know that.

However, this is where I needed the get my priorities straight. I needed to prioritize my life in a Biblical way. So, I got a job that didn’t require as much of my time and energy. I gave my employer a four week notice and finished the job I was hired to do. This was extremely hard for me because I was finally in the specific position that I had dreamed of. I loved my job, I loved the company I was working for, and I loved my bosses… But, I loved my family more.

Sometimes, God calls us to do things that would seem absolutely crazy to the world. But, brothers and sisters, we need to remember that this world is not our home; we are sojourners here and should be investing in eternity. Please don’t use Biblical concepts to neglect your wife, kids, and church. It’s not Biblical. God is not a cruel taskmaster — instead, a loving Father who invites us to “come and see” a better way. He is a God of order and He has given us priorities. Let’s seek the Word on how to get our priorities in order.

Loving my family,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor