I am so proud. I don’t want to be. Sometimes I don’t mean to be. But, if I’m honest with my heart, I am so proud. More often than not, I feel like I’m right or I’m entitled to something I desire. Many times, I find myself drifting into thoughts like, “If it were up to me I would….”
Have you ever slowed down enough to examine your own heart and the areas of pride you might be holding onto? Ask yourself and the Holy Spirit, “Where in my life is there un-checked pride?” Ask your closest friends, family or spouse, “Do you sense pride in me, and if so, where?”
“Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” — Proverbs 11:2 (NLT)
If appropriate, ask your children, “Do you think I’m a know it all or hard to talk to? At work, find the right time to ask your boss, “In my work, am I correctable? Am I easy to approach?” If you’re a boss, ask the same questions of your employees.
Why does this matter so much? Proverbs says that pride leads to disgrace. In other places, the Word says it leads to death. However, humility leads to wisdom.
The Lord longs for us to walk in His ways, to walk in wisdom. This can only happen in a meaningful and lasting way when we walk in humility. If our homes, jobs, schools, and places of rest become dens of pride, there is no real room for wisdom. If our closest friends, co-workers and families cannot speak to us in a correctable and honest way, the Lord will have to break us into softer clay. If we’re already softened in those areas, He can mold us into something wonderfully wise.
Church, I urge you ask the Lord to humble you in His gentleness. Ask Him to reveal places of pride in you. Once these areas are revealed, acknowledge them to Him (and to others) so you can grow. Where there is humility there is wisdom. Isn’t it amazing that the posture of true wisdom can only begin with a head that is bowed and a heart that is open?!
Asking the Lord to keep me humble alongside you,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor