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As women who strive to follow Christ in our increasingly broken world, God wants us to look, feel and act differently than the culture around us. At the same time, God has made each one of us unique and calls us to walk closely with Him on this faith-filled journey.
Join us on Friday, April 12 (6:30 – 9:00 p.m.) and Saturday, April 13 (8:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.) for our Uniquely Yoked Women’s Conference.
With seminars and breakdown groups designed to encourage and challenge your walk with Jesus, you need to be there. The cost is only $25 (Early Bird Registration by March 24 is $20). Delicious catered lunch options available ($8). Go to trc.life/uniquelyyoked to reserve your spot today!
Posted in Events, News, The Rock Women