He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” —Mark 16:15
Will you take a moment today and pray that God would strengthen you to be more faithful to share your faith?
This past week, six of your pastors from The Rock Church, went to a pastor’s conference in Indianapolis. For three days, we heard from many amazing preachers; they came together to teach on one central them — Evangelism. One sermon after another, we were charged and reminded why we should never neglect the incredible power there is in telling others about Jesus. I was filled with so many reasons why we MUST be people who share our faith. I’d like to share a few with you.
Sharing our faith is evidence of our faith.
- When we speak to unbelievers about Jesus, we are proclaiming that Jesus is a real and personal God. One who is mighty to save. To share our faith is to verbally express that we believe God can change people’s lives (just like He has changed ours).
Sharing our faith demonstrates love and compassion.
- The world is lost and in darkness. It will be lost forever if people don’t believe the Good News that Jesus has come to rescue sinners. No matter the cultural tension, hostile environments, or religious barriers of His day, Jesus pursued every person He interacted with. Because of His great love, there was no barrier that He would not cross to seek and save the lost. Likewise, we must be known to demonstrate this same love for the lost.
Sharing our faith proclaims God’s mercy and offers His hope!
- Without hearing and believing the Gospel, there is no hope for our lost friends and family. To really think about that should make all of our hearts sink. Yet, Jesus is able and willing to save people as sinful as us; He has done the unthinkable in order to do so. How could we NOT want to tell EVERYBODY about such a great Savior? To quote a famous atheist,“How much do you have to hate someone to not share your faith with them?”
My friends, you and I need to say something! God has called us to be a part of the most incredible mission in the world — to tell every person that Jesus saves! This mission includes you!
Here are a few ways to consider sharing your faith this week:
- Tell someone about what God is doing in your life.
- Sit down with a loved one and share about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
- Challenge a friend to read the Bible with you.
- Invite someone to our Easter services over the next two weeks!
I will pray the same.
Posted in A Word from the Pastor