“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.”— Hebrews 11:3
Could you build an actual mountain? Yes! That answer might surprise you, but follow my thought experiment.
The mountains to the east of us are about 7,000 feet above the valley floor. So, how big would a hypothetical mountain be? If we assume a cone shape, that produces a volume of 9×10^10 cubic feet.
Is it reasonable to consider building something that big? Think about Glen Canyon Dam; it’s the second highest concrete-arch dam in the United States. About 1.45X10^8 cubic feet of concrete was used from 1960 to 1963 to create this 710-foot-tall dam. So, our hypothetical mountain is about 600 times larger than Glen Canyon Dam. I read that Glen Canyon dam would now cost $814 million to build.
Again, the answer to our thought experiment is yes! If you had an extra half a trillion dollars sitting around and A LOT OF TIME, you could create a mountain of concrete as large as the Wasatch mountains.
Now, what does Genesis 1:9 tell us? It says on the third day of Creation God created the “dry land” which includes mountains. Later that day, He vegetated this newly created earth.
What is the point of my thought experiment? Given enough time and money, you could build a mountain. Remember, it took people three years to build a mountain of concrete 710 feet high!
What makes God unique is that He did it in a day. There is nothing miraculous about God taking eons of time to create mountains; people have done that. What makes God so amazing is that He can create mountains using only His word. In a day. In an instant.
In awe of my God!
Posted in A Word from the Pastor