I wanted to share a quiet time journal entry I made this week. It follows the S.O.A.P method: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer.
Scripture: “No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord.” Proverbs 21:30
Observation: God has ultimate control in my life and in this world. God has ultimate authority over everything. God is perfectly good.
Application: The truth is that God is: good, He is perfect (without flaw or failure), without sin, AND He is in ultimate control of my life. This truth should give and does give me comfort.
Right now, God sees the circumstances of my life. He sees my family, my failures, my future and my dreams. Right now, God sees our church and our ministries. In all of these He has plans that nothing and no one can thwart.
Despite what I feel, despite what it might seem like, God has a plan. Nothing will stop Him from accomplishing His purpose. The Bible says this very thing in Romans 8 and in Psalm 138. I can rest, knowing that He is good. He is for me. He has a purpose.
Prayer: Lord, you see me, and you know me. You have good plans for my life that no one can stand against. Your plans are good, and ultimately, will bring joy. Help me to rest in this truth today.
Church, when we spend a little time applying SOAP to our verses, so much comes through.
I am praying for you this week…praying you are encouraged in the Word.
Posted in A Word from the Pastor