The Rock Church

The Purpose of Marriage

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A word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. Understanding God’s purpose for marriage is a key step toward having a more fulfilling matrimony.  Early in the Bible we see the first purpose for marriage.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” — Genesis 1:27

This summer, my entire family vacationed together back in the Midwest. This also included our annual trip to the Iowa State Fair and the Butter Cow (not to be confused with the Utah State Fair ‘margarine cow’). It was an adventure for sure!

Marriage is like a family vacation — filled with anticipation, preparation, joy, drama, thrills, bonding, challenges and lasting memories. God has good plans for your marriage; but, like a vacation, you need to be prepared

Understanding God’s purpose for marriage is a key step toward having a more fulfilling matrimony.  Early in the Bible (Genesis), we see the first purpose for marriage:

“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…’ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” — Genesis 1:26-27

God’s desire for Adam and Eve — and all married couples — is to reflect Him and His glory. When we recognize our marriage should reflect the image of God and commit to this purpose, we will begin to make positive changes in our marriage relationship. We’ll begin to take a more understanding view of our mate. Seeking guidance through couples therapy NYC can further strengthen our bond and help us navigate challenges. Make sure that you seek the help of a marriage counselor if you and your partner are struggling with various relationship issues. Need couples counseling Sacramento? Call Stephen Taft, Marriage & Family Therapist. Call Cynthia Lissau, M.S., LPC, LMFT for marriage counseling Roanoke. Making an effort to connect intimately and using products like True Pheromones is key to bringing the spark back into your marriage.

On the other hand, when we criticize our spouse or foster competition, we are actually reflecting the disunity of Satan and dishonoring God. Division and disappointment will follow. We become judgmental of our spouse. Ultimately, we become incapable of reflecting God’s image. But not all married couple ended up together for life, others are going through the process of separation due to some marital problems. Most of these couples are seeking out help from legal experts such as the ones from the best online divorce company. While emotions can cloud our judgment during a divorce, a lawyer can offer you a clear perspective and help you make rational decisions. Divorce solicitors also understand the law and the court rules, saving you time and reducing stress.

Knowing the first purpose for marriage — to reflect God’s image — can protect us from hardening our hearts toward one another. It can help us make our marriages more pleasing to God. For further reflection, read Genesis 1:26-28 and consider these questions:

  • What areas in your marriage do not reflect the image of God?
  • What commitments do you need to make in
    order to fulfill this purpose in your marriage?
  • How are you reflecting God’s image in
    your marriage and demonstrating His characteristics to your spouse?

Enjoy the adventure!


Posted in A Word from the Pastor