The Rock Church

Make it a Habit

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Make it a habit, a word by pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "Let His Word be a light to your life and have a goal to be in the Bible more consistently in 2020. Here are some different plans..."

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” — Psalm 119:105

As the new year approaches, it’s natural to set goals — things we want to get better at or maybe stop doing. This verse really speaks to me in terms of that goal setting. Unless we have a planned path to walk, we won’t move in the right direction. If we can’t see where we are going, we’ll stumble around in the darkness.

When we relate this to how we read the Bible, setting daily goals gives us the time we need to be with God. It lets Him light our path through this life. It gives us that vital opportunity to commune with Him through His Word and prayer.

Let His Word be a light to your life and have a goal to be in the Bible more consistently in 2020. Here are some different plans that can help you with your goals.

Though-the-Bible Reading Plans

If you want to get through the entire Bible in one year, here are a few plans that will only take you about 15 minutes a day:

One-Year Reading Plan

This plan consists of reading a section from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. It gives you variety in your reading. Download itprint it off and use the reading plan as a bookmark or a checklist. For a digital version, got to and search for the One-Year Reading Plan.

The One-Year Chronological Bible

This plan is arranged in the order the events actually occurred. It’s based on you reading every day, in selected sections of Scripture. It’s a very interesting way to see how all the events correlate throughout the Bible. Download itprint it off and use the reading plan as a bookmark or a checklist. For a digital version, got to and search for the One-Year Chronological Reading Plan.

The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan

This plan is very similar to the One-Year Reading Plan in that you read a little bit from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. The difference is that this is a five-day-a-week reading plan. It gives you some flexibility in your reading throughout the week. Download itprint it off and use the reading plan as a bookmark or a checklist.

Sections of the Word Reading Plan

If taking on reading the entire Bible seems like too much, here is an option that focuses on specific sections of the Bible.

ESV 6-Month Bible Plan

This is only a six-month plan that takes you through the New Testament, so go through it twice in a year. Download itprint it off and use the reading plan as a bookmark or a checklist.

Some additional thoughts are to grab a notebook and journal your reading throughout the year. Write down your prayers, verses that are speaking to you from your reading and simply the things that God is teaching you. Then, next year, you can review it — it’s a great way to see how God is working in your life!

We have most of these resources listed out on our website, on the Resources Page.

Making it a habit —


Posted in A Word from the Pastor