My heart really resonates with the thought of Jesus being our Shepherd and the Guardian of our souls.
“Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.” — 1 Peter 2:25 (NLT)
I think people can tend to stereotype shepherds (myself included) as simply meek and gentle farmers. I’m learning there is much more to the role of shepherd. Obviously, I’m no expert on sheep; but, I have been around some tough farmers (and even sheep a time or two) and am fascinated by the sheep’s responsiveness to their shepherds. It makes perfect sense. The one who provides for them and tends to them, is the only one they come running to. They feel safe and secure with the shepherd.
We find the word sheep 201 times in the ESV Bible. Jesus Himself often referenced sheep in His illustrations. All of us were once like sheep who had wandered away. Yet, the Good Shepherd, Jesus, relentlessly pursued us. He does what’s necessary to bring us back. It comforts me and gives me a great sense of security to also consider a good shepherd’s role as a guardian. The guardian uses his rod and staff to smash the wolves’ noses as they hunt down and try to isolate a wandering lamb. We read of David fighting off a lion and a bear to protect his flock.
What a wonderful truth it is to know that as the world gnaws at our souls, Jesus stands as our Guardian. He will never fail to protect us. Now, that’s security!
Thank you, Jesus — the Guardian of our souls!
Posted in A Word from the Pastor