Last month, Pastor Tony encouraged us to set goals in areas where we want to grow. My simple follow up question for you today – almost a month into our new year is – how are your goals going? Have you gotten a plan to read the Bible to connect with God, and are you working the plan? If not, let me give you some suggestions as we steam ahead into a new decade.
At The Rock, we use phrases like “daily devotions” or “quiet times” to describe the discipline of Bible reading and prayer. This is a great way to start your day! Your Bible reading can be what you want to make it — maybe a structured study using a devotional? possibly reading through certain passages? perhaps reading through the Bible in a year (One Year Plan)? You might even consider journaling some of the thoughts God gives you (Teaching on devotionals).
I have used the S.O.A.P. method for years and it has helped connect me with God. S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. The method is simple: you write one paragraph for each S.O.A.P. item on one page of your journal. When you are finished, simply give your journal entry a title, date and verse reference in the front of your journal to create an index. Simple but effective!
For example, on January 5, I read Proverbs 5:1, which says, “My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen well to my words of insight.” (NIV 84) After thinking about this verse, I realized that every day I need undistracted time to listen to God. I need to quiet and still my soul; I need to hear from my Father in heaven. I need to work hard at removing distractions and silencing the competing voices around me (email, newspaper, phone, radio, music, TV, etc.). I need to pay attention to God. If not, my heart will become disconnected from my Savior.
We need to make the effort be connected to God. Why not make a plan to read your Bible this year?
Connecting with Him,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor