The Rock Church

2020 Connection

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2020 Connection, a word by pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "I have used the S.O.A.P. method for years and it has helped connect me with God. S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer."

Last month, Pastor Tony encouraged us to set goals in areas where we want to grow. My simple follow up question for you today – almost a month into our new year is – how are your goals going? Have you gotten a plan to read the Bible to connect with God, and are you working the plan? If not, let me give you some suggestions as we steam ahead into a new decade.

At The Rock, we use phrases like “daily devotions” or “quiet times” to describe the discipline of Bible reading and prayer. This is a great way to start your day! Your Bible reading can be what you want to make it — maybe a structured study using a devotional? possibly reading through certain passages? perhaps reading through the Bible in a year (One Year Plan)? You might even consider journaling some of the thoughts God gives you (Teaching on devotionals).

I have used the S.O.A.P. method for years and it has helped connect me with God. S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. The method is simple: you write one paragraph for each S.O.A.P. item on one page of your journal. When you are finished, simply give your journal entry a title, date and verse reference in the front of your journal to create an index. Simple but effective!

For example, on January 5, I read Proverbs 5:1, which says, “My son, pay attention to my wisdom, listen well to my words of insight.” (NIV 84) After thinking about this verse, I realized that every day I need undistracted time to listen to God. I need to quiet and still my soul; I need to hear from my Father in heaven. I need to work hard at removing distractions and silencing the competing voices around me (email, newspaper, phone, radio, music, TV, etc.). I need to pay attention to God. If not, my heart will become disconnected from my Savior.

We need to make the effort be connected to God. Why not make a plan to read your Bible this year?

Connecting with Him,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor