We are officially one week into 2020, so I’m going to go ahead and ask you, “How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions so far?” By the time you read this, I’m sure I will have bailed on at least one of mine! But, that’s ok. There is one resolution, however, that I am not planning to let go of so easily; I want to invite you to add it to your list of goals as well.
This year, my resolution is to totally depend on the Lord to help me live out the Fruits of the Spirit in my life. Let me explain why I have chosen this as a New Year’s resolution.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control;” — Galatians 5:22-23
Think about this — every single one of these qualities in Galatians 5:22-23 is a direct response of a Spirit-filled life. One that can be demonstrated toward others. I believe that as we love others like we love ourselves (Matthew 19:19) and count others more significant than ourselves (Philippians 2:3) it actually shapes and transforms not just our personal happiness, but also our joy in Jesus. The Christian life is a life of community and discipleship within the family of God — the family He has adopted us into. Therefore, I want to grow in all these areas so that my joy in Jesus can be more complete!
This is a resolution I believe every Believer can get behind. Therefore, I have turned each Fruit of the Spirit into a prayer that you could pray along with me every day.
Love: “Help me to demonstrate love for my brothers and sisters the way you love them.”
Joy: “May I share in the joy and be delighted when others around me succeed. May I be a source of joy to anyone who is burdened.”
Peace: “Father, help me to not stir up bitterness and create disunity with those you call my family.”
Patience: “Give me the gift of patience when someone offends me, upsets me, or sins against me.”
Kindness: “Help me to have a soft and gentle heart with someone who is hurting, as well as with those who are causing hurt.”
Goodness: “Lord, may you use my life to nourish anyone I come in contact with.”
Faithfulness: “Give me the strength to be the dependable and trustworthy son/daughter you’ve called me to be.”
Gentleness: “Father, may my actions, thoughts and words be kind and lovely to all.”
Self-Control: “Help me put my sin to death and use me to help others during their times of trial and temptation.”
I believe these are some powerful prayers that the LORD is capable of answering! If you think about it, the Fruits of the Spirit are really God’s resolutions for us. These Fruits are what He desires to display in our lives. His Spirit living in us is the proof that He is determined to see it to completion.
Isn’t that what we should all want for our lives as well?
I pray you will consider adding this addendum to your New Year’s resolutions this year. I am excited and expectant to see what God will do.
Posted in A Word from the Pastor