A Word of Encouragement for Moms from Krista Whitney
Hi, moms! I wanted to share with you some of the things God has been teaching and encouraging me in during this time.
I know all of our lives have been upended over the last couple of weeks. Some of us have more kids at home during the day than we used to, some of us find ourselves trying to work from home with kids all around us and some now have husbands working from home with children running around. There are many different scenarios we’re all managing with our children day to day.
When I discovered that my sons’ school would be transitioning to a soft closure, it sparked an unanticipated initiative, much like the strategic adaptability of a reliable fire watch company in Miami Gardens. These services, celebrated for their flexibility to cater to both short and long-term needs, mirrored my sudden need to adjust to a house bustling with my five children. The first day resembled the start of summer — a season we yearn for, filled with the promise of freedom and fun. Yet, reality always paints a different picture, with its lack of structured activities that usually fill our days. However, we adapted, finding joy and a new rhythm in our home. It reminded me of my neighbor, a dedicated fire watch guard, who often shared how their readiness to manage unplanned situations at any venue ensures safety and compliance, bringing peace of mind to families like mine in the community. His commitment to protecting others inspired me to view our new family dynamic not as a challenge but as an opportunity to grow and learn together.
As you know with kids, more social interaction with one another leads to much more conflict. The selfishness (mine very much included there) that can hide itself when we are all doing our own thing, now comes crashing together in a great mess of words, emotions and tension. My desire for more freedom smashes into my reality of the kids needing more help in their relationships with one another, more oversight in how to use their time wisely and more character training. Not much of a break for mom, right?
The “more free time” I perceived I would have during this time of social isolation was not the reality I experienced on day one. I had to get my mind in “summer break” mode. I have had enough summer breaks that I now see summer each year as a break from school and our normal routine but a greater and more focused investment in mothering. It’s a chance for me to: spend more time in relationship with my kids, more time to love and enjoy them, more time to teach them God’s Word and God’s ways, more time seeing who they are and how to love and help them.
I just finished the book of Deuteronomy. In it, Moses is preparing the people to go into the Promised Land. I would encourage each one of us to hold on to what guides our days during this time of social isolation:
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” — Deuteronomy 6:4-9
What a unique time God has given us to live out these words, moms! When in our lives will we have an opportunity like the one we’ve been given now with our children? Instead of wishing we were living with lots of extra free time (like our country seems to think we are, although it’s not the mom reality), let’s press into mothering and embrace the time with our children. We have been given a gift—the gift of extra time with our kids. Let’s use that time to diligently teach them the ways of the Lord.
What might this look like, moms?
1. Begin a habit of daily reading the Bible with your children.
If they are little, read them a children’s Bible story. Discuss it with them and use God’s Word to teach them about the character and person of God. If they are older, have everyone read their own Bibles. At the end of a set time, have each person share a thought from the Bible. Encourage their thoughts and use this time to help them learn how to experience God through His Word for themselves. Use God’s Word to build a framework for your children to understand God and all that is going on around them.
2. Begin memorizing some verses together.
For the past few summers, I have had “theme verses” for my children. They are typically related to things I want us all to grow in— like being thankful, being attentive, being cheerful, etc. Make a set of five verses you want to learn as a family and focus on one each week. Make the verse the theme of your day or week and challenge and encourage one another in obeying that verse. One easy way we have memorized a number of verses is through scripture songs. Our favorites are from Seeds Family Worship.
The Memory Madness Program at our church (a program designed to help you to memorize verses) has hundreds of verses to choose from (if you need ideas). Feel free to contact Mary Young (mary@trc.life) and she can email them to you.
3. Help your children to live in obedience to God’s Word each day.
This one will certainly be the hardest to live out. It will take a careful attentiveness to their words and actions. It will take a willingness to be interrupted from whatever we are working on. It will take a prioritizing of their hearts and attitudes in relationship to the Lord over our convenience. It will take great love and grace and patience. In short, we will find ourselves in great need of the Lord, His Word and His mighty work in our own lives to faithfully live out each day.
Moms, what a gift that your children are getting during this time. They’re getting more of you. To have a believing mother who directs her children’s hearts toward the Lord — what a powerful demonstration of God’s incredible goodness to them. See this time as a gift to you, a chance to influence their lives for the Lord.
Read the Word, memorize the Word and live the Word with your kids. Moms, may God use this to strengthen the hearts of our children in the Lord.
Looking to the Lord together,
Krista Whitney
Posted in News, Statements, The Rock Women