Hello, parents! I’m excited to share this special video with you and your family. We’re going to talk about springtime and God’s care for us. We will also talk about the fact that we don’t have to worry.
Watch the video above to have your children sing along and hear this important lesson about worry.
We are praying for you and your kiddos,
Previous Devotionals for The Rock Kids
TRC — Coronavirus Update
In an effort to ensure a healthy and safe environment for our entire church family, and in an effort to adhere to our government’s request to limit large group meetings, we have decided to suspend all Rock Church services and large group meetings from now through the end of May (provided nothing changes). We will communicate any updates as we know them.
We will be livestreaming our three, weekend services at their regular times! Join us online Saturday 6:00 p.m. and Sunday 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. at trc.life/live, Facebook live or on The Rock Church app.
To stay updated and connected during this time, please visit trc.life/blog.
Communion This Weekend
Communion is happening this weekend! We may not be able to meet in one place, but we can celebrate the Lord’s Supper in our homes via livestreaming. Get some juice and bread/crackers (or whatever you have at home will work just fine). We’re looking forward to sharing this time with you — join us.
69th National Day of Prayer
We may have to stay at home, but we can certainly still pray together! And what better time to do that than on the National Day of Prayer (Thursday, May 7, 7:00 p.m.). The first Thursday of May is designated by the United States Congress for people “to turn to God in prayer and meditation.” With all we are facing as a nation (and as a world), this is a significant opportunity to come together — and pray! Join on Facebook Live @StandingTogether and YouTube.com/standingtogether.
The Core (Zoom) Meeting
Please plan on joining us for our Core Meeting (on Zoom) on Monday, May 11 (7:00 p.m.)! These meetings are designed for anyone with a heart to make disciples. Leaders at The Rock are expected to attend. With technology, we’ll be able to have teachings and long-distance fellowship — sweet!
If you’re a current leader at The Rock, you’ll receive a Zoom invitation to join this meeting. If you’d like to join it (please do), contact Josh Whitney (josh@trc.life) so he can get you the necessary details. “See” you then!
“The Lord Reigns”
The Rock Music is excited to share a new worship song with you! “The Lord Reigns” is the latest single based on Psalm 93. It’s available NOW (on all streaming platforms). You can also stream the song from therockmusic.org or on The Rock Church app. This song proclaims God’s sovereignty and Lordship. It’s certainly something we all need to be reminded of at this time. Our prayer is that this will be an encouragement to you — thank you for your continued support of The Rock Music.
Small Groups
Some of our Small Groups are taking a break right now while other groups are meeting online. Please contact your Small Group Leader to find out the details of your group. The complete directory for the spring semester is online at trc.life/smallgroup. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Bryan Edwards at bryan@trc.life.
The Rock Church seeks to create a culture of prayer within our Small Groups, and we encourage personal prayer requests to be shared during those times. If you would also like a pastor to join you in prayer for a specific matter, please click here to share your need.
May Prayer List
Posted in News, The Rock Kids