“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” — Matthew 6:21 (NLT)
We live in a time of uncertainty. Many of us are asking a myriad of questions: What do I consider my treasure to be? What is really important? What will I fight to protect? What if I get sick? What if this lasts a really long time? What if I can’t provide for my family? What if I, or someone I love, dies? Why is this happening? What matters?
If you asked me what my treasure is, my immediate thoughts would go to my wife. Jeanne is nothing short of a gift from God to me. I treasure my life with her. I can’t stand the thought of this life together ever going away. Even in the midst of COVID-19 and tragedy, I want to be with no one else. Our oneness is the closest thing to the image of Christ that I have witnessed here on earth.
The next treasure I think of are the children God has given us — the product of our marriage and the love and commitment we have to one another. Each of my precious children is incredibly unique and has brought incomparable joy to my life. When I close my eyes, I have such special memories. From beautiful babies through all the seasons of their lives. I love to read the story God is writing for each one of them.
Each of their spouses has become a part of our family and has been such an incredible blessing. I love them as if they were my own flesh and blood. And my grandchildren….oh, my! I never dreamed that I could experience such a gift of joy in this life. I love them so much!
Additionally, my parents, my siblings (their spouses and children), and my beloved church family are all incomprehensible treasures in my life. Dwelling on these people makes me realize that my treasure is vast and beyond what I remotely deserve.
On March 28, Jeanne and I marked the 24-year anniversary of becoming Christians. I know many of you may not be able to point to a date when you gave your life to Christ, but we can. There is no denying that this is our life’s greatest story. To make it even more profound, Jeanne and I asked Jesus into our lives on the very same day! Because this work in our lives was done by Jesus alone, it is the greatest treasure of our lives.
With His final breath (as He died for the sins of Mankind), Jesus proclaimed, “It is finished.” At that very moment, the vault of grace and mercy flew open, and the treasure trove of forgiveness and the privilege of knowing God became available to us. Jesus was crucified for our sins and substituted Himself for the death we deserve. It’s referred to as the Great Exchange — His death for our lives.
The forgiveness invitation has been sent! Not only for this life on earth, but for so much more. Eternity with God is the most valuable treasure possible. This life on earth (and its alluring earthly treasure) is described in the Bible as “but a breath” and like a “fleeting shadow.” It slips away as the sun sets each day. Jesus stepped out of eternity to give Himself to us. That is the greatest treasure of all.
“In that day he will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the Lord will be your treasure.” — Isaiah 33:6
My wife and I have discovered the greatest treasure of all — Jesus. Because of Him, the troubles of this earth grow strangely dim for us. How about you? Do you know Jesus?
All my love!
Posted in A Word from the Pastor