The Rock Church

Use Your Words Wisely

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Use Your Words Wisely – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "If you were to take your 7,000 words a day and break them into conversations, how many of those would be productive or life-giving?"

Research shows that we speak at least 7,000 words per day — some of us, even more. It’s easy to get ourselves in trouble with that quantity and believe me, I’m no stranger to it. This can be especially true when words come out of our mouths (or from a keyboard) on topics we care about.

Our passion, our pride and our words can fly out at an alarming rate. We go toe-to-toe with anyone who wants to step up to the plate. Once done with the argument, we might feel that we came out on top. As a result, we boast about our great words. However, in times like that, most of us spoke emotionally or in the flesh, not in the Spirit.

Wisdom tells us something different

  • “When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” — Proverbs 10:19
  • “A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even tempered.” — Proverbs 17:27
  • “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” — Ephesians 4:29

If you were to take inventory, to measure what came out of your mouth on a daily basis, what would it look like? Are you speaking with grace 50% of the time? 25% of the time? Do you respond immediately or do you give yourself time to think through what you’re going to say? If you were to take your 7,000 words a day and break them into conversations, how many of those would be productive or life-giving?

Similarly, we also need to look at our unspoken words — the ones that appear on a screen. Written words have the same affect and sometimes even worse. When you write your words, you lose the humanity, body language and tone of what you’re trying to communicate. While on your favorite social media platforms, are you following these same guidelines of wisdom?

I love the filter that Paul uses when he writes to the Ephesians. Use your speech for building others up, let it be gracious to those who are listening.

I challenge you today. Take some time and inventory your last couple of conversations (online or in person). How did you do? Were you gracious and building or did you tear down?

Learning to watch my words,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor