“Come What May” is The Rock Music’s 2020 offering to the Lord. In a year that has had unbelievable highs and lows (almost daily), we wanted to create a collection of music rooted in the fact that Jesus is in control and He is good. These indie-rock worship songs proclaim that: God is reigning on His throne, the “Word is our refuge and strength” and Jesus’ blood alone can cleanse us “white as snow”. Come what may, He is still God.
“Come What May” is now available on all streaming platforms. You can also stream the EP free from therockmusic.org or on The Rock Church app.
Please share this new ep with your friends and family. Our prayer is that this will be an encouragement to you and truly bless your life.
Thank you for your continued support of The Rock Music.
EP Release – THIS Weekend (*Masks Required*)
Make sure you don’t miss what we have planned for you THIS weekend, November 14 & 15! We have some powerful worship happening at our church services. We’ll be celebrating the new EP release in our Saturday night church service (6:00 p.m.). It will be an all-worship evening. Due to the Governor’s latest COVID-19 guidelines, we will now require masks for this worship event.
Our Sunday morning services (9:30 & 11:15 a.m.) will consist of the songs from the EP and a sermon from our Letters to the Church series. We’ll livestream both Saturday night and Sunday morning services that (on The Rock Church Facebook, at trc.life/live and on our app) so you won’t miss a thing! (**Masks are required at the 9:30 a.m. service**).
“Come What May” T-Shirts For Sale
We are excited to celebrate the release of “Come What May” with a brand new t-shirt — for sale at the Storefront. Make sure to stop by this weekend to pick one up.
Music Credits
“The Lord Reigns” and “The Oracle” were recorded at June Audio in Provo, Utah and produced by Nate Pyfer. “Nothing but the Blood” was recorded at Rigby Road Studios in SLC, Utah and produced by Joel Pack. “Come What May” was recorded at the Scribner home in Draper, Utah and produced by Caleb Yetton.
Guitar and vocals by Caleb Yetton. Vocals by Kelsea Yetton. Drums by Adam Tolman. Keys by Tom Scribner and Lead Guitar by Billy Johnson. Bass for “The Lord Reigns” and “The Oracle” by Joseph Young. Bass for “Nothing but the Blood” by Justin Lawrence. Violin by Natalie Amano. Violin by Erin Floresca. Cello by Sydney Porter Williams.
Listen to The Rock Music Spotify, Apple Music, and Google Play
Follow The Rock Music on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Posted in The Rock Music