“When they found the stone rolled away from the entrance, they went in. But they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus… Suddenly two men in shining white clothes stood beside them… the men said, ‘Why are you looking in the place of the dead for someone who is alive? Jesus isn’t here! He has been raised from death.'” — Luke 24:2-6
For Christians, Easter is the most significant event and celebration of the year. It’s both an amazing and remarkable part of our world’s history. People will gather together around the world to celebrate His death and resurrection — Jesus is Alive!
Join us for this special Easter message as we look at how that first Easter (over 2,000 years ago) continues to change people’s lives today!
Baptisms on Easter Weekend!
Baptisms will happen Easter weekend (Saturday, April 3 and Sunday, April 4) and we’re so excited! Why? Because it really is the first step of obedience for a Christian. It’s an outward expression of what has happened in your heart as you’ve accepted Jesus as your personal Savior.
If you’re interested in getting baptized, contact Pastor Steve McInroy at mac@trc.life. You can pick up a Baptism Packet at the Connections Booth or visit http://www.experiencetherock.com/resources/baptism/). Sign up to get baptized at www.trc.life/baptism. Deadline to register is Sunday, March 28.
Service Times and Location:
Our Jesus is Alive Easter services are Saturday, April 3 at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 4 at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. (11630 S 700 E Draper, UT 84020)
Masks are required at our First Service on Sunday (9:30 a.m.). Masks are strongly encouraged for all other services.
You can also watch online at trc.life/live, Facebook live or The Rock Church app. If you have any questions, please email our office!