“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. “Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God’s mercy.” — 1 Peter 2:9-10 (NLT)
I’ve often shared these verses with people in an effort to help show the “Goodness of God.” Especially when they’ve made a mistake or experienced some sort of mishap and are feeling down. And quite frankly, for many of us, that happens frequently. Without a doubt, this truth is for all of us.
As Christians, we need to be constantly reminded that our identity is found in Christ. At least that’s true for me. My story is a case in point. For the last five months, I’ve worked on an addition to our home; I’ve burned the candle at both ends to finish it. As a younger man, that was my MO. However, I’ve come to realize that the old, gray Mac, ain’t what he used to be. Lately, I’ve come to the end of myself on several occasions and I’ve been mistake prone. Specifically, it culminated in an accident last week.
In My Life
I have a few residual health issues that involve my personal plumbing (enough said). Because of this, I need to be tethered to a bathroom at times (enough said, again). During the construction, our house plumbing started acting up. Or, should I say, started backing up (enough said, yet again). I wanted to avoid paying the plumber to come back to snake the pipe. I had already paid him handsomely to do it once before.
In a panic, I decided to run the snake into the sewer pipe on my own. I’d done it on numerous occasions in homes we’ve lived-in. As a result, I considered myself somewhat experienced. After spending much of the day causing numerous spills and splatters, I stood in my smelly basement feeling very defeated. Perhaps the same way Jonah felt in his puke soaked clothes, when the big fish spit him up on the beach.
Bringing light to a dark situation, God brought these scriptures from 1 Peter to mind. It took some time for these truths to permeate my thinking. Eventually, I moved from feeling down and defeated in my smelly situation. Indeed, I had a change of mind and heart; I shared a good laugh with a couple of guys when I returned the equipment.
Showing Others
I felt that no matter how disgusted and dejected I was, I needed to show the goodness of the Lord to others — even if I didn’t feel like it. Why? Because of who I am. I am God’s very own possession, covered in His mercies. Which, by the way, are so much lovelier than sewer “stink”.
Even though the holidays are filled with many wonderful things, they can also be wrought with challenges and heartbreak. No matter what you’re up against, or how miserable the situation may be, try to show the goodness of God to others. Then, you will experience the goodness of God yourself.
Chosen for more with all of you!
Posted in A Word from the Pastor