God answers prayers. Certainly, we’ve all experienced Him answering specific prayers in the past. In faith, we eagerly wait for unanswered prayers in the present. This verse helps me; the Bible says that God not only hears our prayers but actually listens to them.
“But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer.” — Psalm 66:19 (NLT)
Wow! How humbling and reassuring it is to think about having a conversation with God.
I am quiet by nature. I could ride with you in a pick-up all day and not say a word (all the while thinking we had the time of our lives). But, when I think deeply and carefully about speaking with Jesus, it’s beyond what I can comprehend. What could, or should I say to my Creator? It’s intimidating at times. The enemy whispers lies I’m tempted to believe. Lies like it doesn’t matter if I pray, or that it’s useless to pray. Then, I remember that God would never whisper that in my ear. As a result, when I hear that trash talk, I take my thoughts captive and make them obedient to Jesus. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Saved to Pray
I like this quote; it’s from a book I read daily, “A Gospel Primer” by Milton Vincent. “As a chosen one of God, I was saved to pray; and whenever I come into God’s presence to behold Him, worship Him, or make request of Him, I am arriving at the pinnacle of God’s saving purpose for me.” I really like that, “I was saved to pray.”
As a lover of Jesus (and as a pastor) I’m privy to constant prayer requests, both my own and from others. Recently, I was tremendously encouraged by these verses. I prayed through them for myself and all of you.
“May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed. Let us shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the name of our God. May the Lord answer all of your prayers.” — Psalm 20:4-5 (NLT)
Our prayers are absolutely from Him and for Him! Raising my victory banner with you, all the while knowing that God listens to (and answers) our prayers.
Posted in A Word from the Pastor