The Rock Church

Watermelon and Lawnmowers

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Watermelons and Lawnmowers – a word by Pastor Bryan Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "My daughter saw Mr. Grant sitting in his lawn chair in his yard. She took her lunch (and a whole lotta watermelon) over to share with him."

My next-door neighbor (Mr.Grant) is an 89-year-old firecracker. He loves Jesus and has endless opinions (as you can imagine an 89-year-old man would have). Recently, his wife of 70 years passed away. I can’t imagine his grief.

Our family prays for him and loves him dearly; we offer to help him in any way we can. Unfortunately for us, he is one of them old boys who “doesn’t need any help from no one.” So, it can be difficult. Recently, however, I saw my children serve him in some beautiful ways.

My daughter saw Mr. Grant sitting in his lawn chair in his yard. She took her lunch (and a whole lotta watermelon) over to share with him. For the next hour and a half, I watched my 6-year-old daughter and my 89-year-old neighbor eat, laugh, talk, sing and share some special moments.

A few days later, my son noticed that Mr. Grant’s lawnmower wheel was broken. He finished mowing our yard and willingly mowed Mr. Grant’s yard. Of course, this drove Mr. Grant crazy! He pulled weeds and trimmed the hedges while my son worked. 

Look to Serve Others

It was a special moment for me as a father. Of course, it felt good to see my neighbor being honored and served by my children. But, what made it extra special for me, was that my children initiated all of it. I didn’t bribe or coerce them. It wasn’t a scheduled teaching moment for them. They saw an opportunity to love their neighbor and went for it! It absolutely blessed my heart to witness it. Beloved, do you know that we have a Heavenly Father who is blessed when we love and serve our neighbors? (Mark 12:31)

My children demonstrated what we read in Philippians 2:3, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. ”Their selfless acts of love and service have greatly encouraged me. And so, I want to encourage you as well. I have a challenge for you today (and every day this week). Look for simple ways to serve others and make those around you feel loved. Or, if you are struggling to find the right way to serve, ask your friend, spouse, children, co-worker, or roommate, What can I do for you today?”

Consider This

With this in mind, as you go about your everyday routines and interactions, consider this truth, “Every day, there are God-honoring opportunities where I can sacrificially serve those around me.”

My kiddos are by no means perfect examples. But, in their recent interactions with Mr. Grant, they encouraged me with their desire to love others as Jesus has loved them. That kind of love will change the world. 

So, this is my prayer for you, “Jesus, would you stir me and my brothers and sisters up with deeper affections to selflessly love and serve those around us?”

Jesus is our perfect example of selflessness and service. May we all strive for His help and guidance to love others as He has loved us.

Looking to serve,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor