Author F.M. Alexander said, “People don’t define their futures, they decide their habits, and their habits decide their future.”
We all have habits. They range from the mundane (like brushing our teeth or what we listen to on our way to work) to practicing an instrument or creating art. Habits can be amoral, while others can be sinful. Whatever type it is, it will affect you (positively or negatively).
In my life, I’ve picked up a new activity — surfing. To do it well, I need to work on my off-water training. This includes stretching, breathing techniques, and lots of body weight workouts. To get better at surfing, I must train daily. It needs to be a habit.
Another daily habit I have is to read my Bible and pray. We should all do this. We’ll draw closer to Christ and it will be so good for us.
When it comes to fun habits, it’s pretty easy to change our behavior to make them happen. It brings us joy. On the other hand, it’s much more challenging with the “not-so-good” stuff.
What His Word Says
We need to know what God’s Word says about our habits. Paul wrote something profound in Romans.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” — Romans 12:2 (NLT)
His Word tells us to stop doing the sinful things of this world. In view of this, we should analyze our habits. Let’s take stock of the ones leading us closer to Christ (and those leading us to our fleshly desires).
With that in mind, I challenge you this week; take some time and think through your days. Look for patterns and identify your habits. Then ask yourself, are they drawing you closer to Jesus or leading you farther away? Are your they helping you live the abundant life Jesus has for you, or are they sending you down a path of distraction?
Once you identify the good habits, continue to grow in those. Change the sinful ones.
Continuing to learn better godly habits,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor