Have you ever discovered a treasure? I can easily get caught up in treasure hunt shows on TV. I’m so eager for them to find something. It seems like most of the time, however, they chase a story or a tall tale. Unbelievably, the treasure somehow slipped past the previous 5,000 treasure hunters. In fact, most of the time, they don’t find anything.
My family knows I love treasure stories. About five years ago, they bought me a metal detector for Father’s Day. I think they figured I’d share with them if I found something! One time during a family gathering, I had fun with them . I pulled out the new metal detector and waved it over a spot in the yard where the grass annually faded into the shape of a gravesite. Of course, the metal detector made all kinds of noises, and we got several shovels out. We frantically dug, and everyone was surprised to find a concrete slab below the ground. At least almost everyone (I kind of knew what we’d see).
We used a sledgehammer and busted a hole in the top of the concrete (big enough for a grandkid). I warned them not to breathe in the air from the concrete box. I came clean and told them I was pretty sure it was an old septic tank; they still wanted to look inside. For some crazy reason, so did I. Maybe someone hid a treasure in the old septic tank? It seemed like a perfect place to stash some gold bars. As it turned out, all we saw was dirt. At least, that’s what we think it was.
Real Treasure
By the power of the Holy Spirit, I’ve discovered that the real treasure is Jesus. In fact, I should guard this truth with my life.
“Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, the treasure which has been entrusted to you.” — 2 Timothy 1:14 (NASB 1995)
I can be distracted by the allures of worldly treasures. I sometimes think I’d like to try and see if winning the lottery would change me. Just once, you know…maybe give it a go? The thing is, an earthly treasure is just like the dirt in the septic tank. Scripture clearly describes the real deal:
- “Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart’s delight.” — Psalm 119:111
- “I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great spoil.” — Psalm 119:162
- “The Almighty himself will be your treasure. He will be your precious silver!” — Job 22:25
Do you realize that God refers to us as His treasure? It doesn’t get much better!
“You are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you to be his treasured possession.” — Deuteronomy 14:2
Oh, my! Take that in, my friends. God thinks you’re something special. And you are — especially if you’re His treasure. Thank you, Jesus — I’ve found what I’m looking for.
Posted in A Word from the Pastor