“Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.” — Proverbs 18:12
“For Pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense.” -Timothy Keller
Christian, when we walk in humility, we are within the circle of God’s blessing. The world tells us we need more power, money, fame, position, and praise. It tells us we need more of…everything!
The Bible, however, calls a person like that a leech: the world is a leech!
“The leech has two suckers that cry out, “More, more!” — Proverbs 30:15
God’s plan is the exact opposite of the world’s way. In the world, it’s all about more of me and more of me and more of me. True joy, however, is found in thinking not less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves LESS.
Pride is competitive by its very nature. If I am a proud person, then if there is one person in the world more powerful, richer, or intelligent than I am, that person is my rival and enemy. Pride always means division and separation — not only between people but also between God and us.
Listen and Obey
To be humble, however, is to recognize that you don’t always need to be correct. To be humble is to recognize that you don’t know everything. To be humble is to understand that you can apologize for being wrong. To be humble is to realize that you can stop pretending to be the best at everything. To be humble means you can finally have real friendships without having to “prove” yourself.
The point of humility is that God wants you to know Him; however, pride gets in the way. He wants to give you Himself. And when you know Him, you will inevitably be humble—wonderfully humble! You will feel the infinite relief of getting rid of all the silly nonsense about your inflated ego. It has only made you restless and unhappy all your life.
Think about this. If God is good, loves you, wants what leads to your greatest joy, and tells you that pride leads to destruction, then we must learn to listen and obey. Within that undoubtedly lies true joy.
This week, consider thinking of yourself less. Consider not fighting for first place. Be content to be last. This is a pathway to joy.
Seeking humility with you,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor