“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” — Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV84)
We recently asked our kids for Christmas gift ideas. Some of them went above and beyond the call of duty. They sent us their “Wish List” from Amazon! Welcome to the technology age. This electronic wish list certainly proved to be very helpful. Specifically, it showed us that our kids took our request seriously; they knew what they wanted. I think God wants us to have the same heart attitude.
It reminds me of the story in Mark (Chapter 10) of a blind man’s conversation with Jesus. When the blind man (Bartimaeus) called out to Him, Jesus asked him a great question, “What do you want Me to do for you?”
I bet Jesus was smiling at the man who couldn’t see. The Lord knew what Bartimaeus wanted — He just wanted him to verbalize it. “Rabbi, I want to see!” exclaimed the blind man without hesitation. Probably laughing with joy, Jesus replied, “Go, your faith has healed you.” Immediately, Bartimaeus received his sight and began following Jesus.
How Would You Respond?
Isn’t that amazing? Do you think Bartimaeus was shy about telling his story after this? Was his life ever the same?
This miraculous story challenges me. The compassionate Christ joyfully helped a desperate man with an obvious need. I wondered what I would answer if Jesus asked me, “Bill, what do you want Me to do for you?” What is on my heart? Would I hesitate? Do I even know what I want?
Jesus IS asking us that very question each day, “What do you want ME to do for YOU?” Of course, He knows precisely what we want — even if we don’t send Him our requests via the Internet. Nevertheless, I’m sure Jesus smiles at us because He loves answering the prayers of desperate and needy people.
How would you respond to Jesus? He’s willing and able. And when He answers, will you follow Him?
Asking along with you,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor