I don’t know about you, but I’m saying good riddance to Old Man 2022. For me, 2022 is like an old, noisy street. As I close the door on it, I find myself hoping for clarity and quietly looking forward to a new year. Honestly, we made it past 2020, 2021, and 2022 — there must be some consolation prize. For those of us who know Jesus, there is a consolation prize. It’s the same as in all the years of eternity past — 2023 holds all the fulfilled promises in Christ Jesus. This verse is like the Times Square ball drop of verses for us as Christians.
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” — 2 Corinthians 5:17
YES! Throw the confetti, the old life is gone, and the new life has begun. No matter how wonderful, challenging, or anguish-filled your days may seem, your new life has already started if you have a relationship with Jesus. That, my friends, makes for a happy new year and a joy-filled new life! The highs and lows of life can sometimes feel like an out-of-control roller coaster. Some of you shout with joy at the thrill of it all. Others are terrified. The rest of us are simply trying to hold fast.
We Have Each Other
I’m so thankful to be part of The Rock Church. Together, we embark on this ride called life; we are heading into 2023 as a family of Believers united in purpose. That is a security and strength found nowhere else. The Body of Christ is the most beautiful expression of Jesus on this side of heaven. Together, we make up something extraordinary. My family has certainly experienced the “love one another verses” through many of you these past few years. We are forever grateful and will never be the same because of what God has done through you. I want that for everyone!
Like it or not, 2023 is here, so we’ll need to take what we learned from Old Man 2022 and move forward. This can be intimidating and filled with hope all at the same time. Many of the difficult things in life may still be there. At the same time, God has gifted us to each other in this life — we’re moving on together. And ultimately, none of us know what the future holds, but thankfully many of us know Who holds the future. God is with us, and that will never change. Let’s join together in 2023 as never before and purposefully tell the world what we know.
Your brother in Christ,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor