My family and I have been incredibly blessed to be part of what God has been doing in Utah for the last 24 years. So many lives have changed. We’ve had the privilege of working side-by-side with Gospel-minded people daily; and the Spirit of God continues to move in extraordinary ways. I certainly believe we came here on the wings of prayers from the faithful saints before us. They were people who recognized the need for workers in this place. Prayer warriors, maybe even some of you reading this? It reminds me of this verse.
“These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” — Luke 10:2
I’m incredibly thankful people prayed for workers to come to Utah. I’m also very grateful to be part of a church filled with people who want to serve the Lord. They are men and women (not only from Utah) but from all over the country. God brought them together. They are saints who want to make a difference in their own families and also long to reach the world for Jesus.
This heart to make a difference is something only the Lord can do. Our shared vision at the Rock speaks of this — “One life at a time and one world in our lifetime.” Of course, we want to reach our families and neighbors, too. Perhaps that’s the one life at a time. At the same time, have the desire to reach the entire world in our lifetime.
We’re Just Getting Started
May 1 marks the anniversary of my family moving (from Colorado) to help start The Rock Church. I can’t begin to count the people we’ve labored with over the years. A lot of dear saints who laid down their lives for others. They have been ordinary people (far from perfect) but spirit-filled and working together for the cause of Christ. Utah will forever be changed. In fact, I believe we are just getting started.
Our church has regularly sent short and long-term missionaries to different parts of the world. We long to make differences in people’s lives. Primarily sent by the prayers of the saints and helped by generous giving from people at The Rock. We currently have a mission team in Romania. Undoubtedly, many of you helped finance the construction costs of their project. I’m sure Romanians prayed for help. Perhaps (in some small way) we are also playing a part in changing lives there.
It is surely the chance of a lifetime to be a part of a church body like ours. One filled with people who want to serve the Lord.
Pray for the workers from The Rock who are currently in Romania. Please pray for safety, Gospel opportunities, good health, and traveling mercies. Also, let’s pray for even more faithful Gospel workers to join us here in the ripe harvest fields in Utah.
Praying with you and for you!
Posted in A Word from the Pastor