In Romans 2:16, rather than say “God’s gospel” or “the Gospel of Jesus,” the Apostle Paul said, “my gospel.” This has naturally confused some people as they first read it.
Throughout Paul’s many epistles, he writes the phrase “my gospel.” Additionally, he also notes “the Gospel of God” numerous times — including in Romans 1:1. In that verse, Paul said He was an Apostle of the Gospel of God.
So it begs the question, is it God’s Gospel or Paul’s gospel? And the answer… it’s God’s. Without a doubt, we know it’s God’s Gospel. Even so, Paul clearly saw the message of Good News (that’s what gospel means) as his. What is more, Paul knew Jesus commissioned him to spread this Good News to the world around him.
Paul says in 1 Timothy 1:11, “in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.”
The Gospel of God was the Good News of Paul’s life, undeniably given to him by Jesus. Paul’s message, mission, and purpose were always preaching the Good News.
Good News
Believer, do you know that you, too, have been commissioned by God? Indeed, you have a message of Good News to share. In Matthew 28, Jesus tells believers to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Christian, do you see the Gospel as entrusted to you? Equally important, does your life show that the Gospel is your Good News?
Has the Gospel changed and directed every part of your life — every significant decision you’ve made? In simple terms, does the mission of spreading that Good News impact your career, where you live, or what you do with your time and resources? Or is the Gospel just something you participate in when you have time?
May our lives forever show that the Gospel truly is Good News to us.
Posted in A Word from the Pastor