Over the last few weeks, I’ve been learning about the historical use of a long sword. It takes great precision to design them. The long edge faces away from you, while the short edge is toward you. Additionally, the blade has three sections. First, there is the “Strong” — the section from the crossbar to the “Middle” section. After the “Middle” comes the “Weak” or the top half. Each part has advantages for combat. Swords are both defensive and offensive weapons. All of the parts work together to make it formidable.
The comparison of God’s Word being like a sword (found in Hebrews) certainly came to life for me.
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” — Hebrews 4:12
The metaphor underscores the offensive and defensive potential of God’s Word. The Bible isn’t just a book, printed and bound to only be placed on a bookshelf. More than that, it’s alive and active. It’s also sharper than the sharpest sword! Furthermore, all of its parts work together to be the ultimate weapon against our flesh and the devil’s attacks.
Offensively, it is a powerful tool to expose and dismantle the darkness within our hearts. Along with that, it lays bare the intricacies of thoughts and intentions. Defensively, it always helps us against the relentless assaults of worldly temptations and spiritual adversaries.
The Word of God
Master swordsmen absolutely train, study, and apply techniques with precision. We, as Christians, are surely called to do the same thing with the Word of God.
Here’s a challenge for you:
- Treat your Bible not just as a collection of verses but also as a formidable weapon against your flesh and the world.
- Dive into its pages purposefully, seeking to understand. By all means, let it cut you to your core.
- Apply what you learn with intentionality. Never read it passively.
- Skilled swordsmen hone their craft. We also need a disciplined approach to studying and living out the teachings of the Bible.
God will equip you to face life’s battles with wisdom and truth. Remember, the Word is not just a historical account. It’s unquestionably living and sharper than any two-edged sword.
Posted in A Word from the Pastor