I recently read some New Testament verses that resonated with me deeply. Their powerful message centered around how we live as Christians. Although distinct in context, they were also intertwined. In this case, they offered me a transformative perspective on faith, purity, and the renewal of the mind. Let me explain.
In Mark 7:15, Jesus spoke about how we can act to ensure we appear perfect on the outside. Yet He said the external isn’t the issue. “Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” His words cut the religious traditions of His day to the core and challenged the norms. They were religious norms which heavily emphasized external purity laws and rituals. Everything had to do with the outward appearance.
Jesus redirected the focus to the heart. It’s always the true source of our words and actions. His was a revolutionary call to introspection and purity from within. Additionally, He emphasized that true defilement was not about what we consumed or encountered externally. It was specifically about what resided in (and came to fruition from) our hearts.
Along with Mark 7:15 comes Romans 12:2, which says that believers are never to conform to the pattern of this world. Instead, they should renew their minds. The Apostle Paul’s appeal is a blueprint for Christian living. It’s an invitation to undergo a continual process of transformation. One that aligns our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors with God’s will. Through the renewal of the mind, believers can indeed discern (and embrace) what is good, pleasing, and perfect in God’s sight.
Coming From Within
Together, these passages offer a holistic view of Christian sanctification. They teach us to understand how our actions, thoughts, and words truly display the interworking of our hearts and minds. They remind us that true spirituality is not merely about external observance. More importantly, it must include inner transformation. That transformation is both personal and communal. It affects not only how we see ourselves but also how we engage with the world around us.
We should take His words to heart (and mind). In the same way, let’s examine what comes from within us. We need purity in our thoughts, words, and actions. Additionally, let’s commit to renewing our minds. Simply put, God’s Spirit should transform us daily.
This week, I challenge you to identify one area where you can have deeper internal purity or mind renewal. Whether it’s in your conversations, media consumption, or thought life. Then, invite God to transform that area.
Let’s journey together to become more like Christ — from the inside out.
Posted in A Word from the Pastor