As we continue in our spiritual walks, Proverbs (Chapter 2) provides lessons for us on the value of wisdom. At the same time, it reveals that wisdom protects us and guides us away from wrong decisions and people who want to lead us astray. Wisdom isn’t merely intellectual. We can certainly read, know, and even teach about it. However, it has to be applied to our actions as well to affect our lives.
Proverbs emphasizes that wisdom guards us against unwise decisions, which often seem more appealing over time. It also shields us from the seduction of immorality and the deceit of evil people. Wisdom is undoubtedly a vital tool in navigating life’s challenges.
Guidelines to Remember
Seek Wisdom to Make the Right Choices.
- Applying wisdom to our lives always involves consistent engagement with the Word. It helps us know how to make good choices throughout the day. Additionally, the more we work at this, the easier it gets. We should also ask ourselves, “Is this a wise decision?” “Is this spending outside of my means?” “Is looking at this website going to make me stumble?” Furthermore, we should ask ourselves these questions and have good verses to back our answers. Satan might know what makes us tick, but God’s Word absolutely offers us protection.
Keep Good Company.
- Bad people can (and will) eventually corrupt those who are good. When I was younger, I knew the truth of my salvation; but, I surrounded myself with those who didn’t. It became easy to justify my sin because no one held me to a higher standard. Naturally, it’s good to surround ourselves with like-minded individuals following the Lord. Plus, this mutual pursuit of wisdom creates a community that upholds moral standards and encourages wise decisions.
Wisdom is a Life Long Journey.
- With this in mind, we must pray and ask God to give us the wisdom to make the right choices daily. Our prayers acknowledge our dependence on God’s guidance to shield us from evil influences. Along with that, our prayers help us navigate life wisely.
Never Stop Seeking the Truth.
- The pursuit of truth is an integral part of gaining wisdom. We obviously shouldn’t just accept information at face value. Instead, we need to probe deeper to understand the truth.
To sum up, Proverbs says wisdom is a protective shield for us. Specifically, it guides us away from wrong choices and negative influences. To acquire biblical wisdom, we must engage with the Bible daily and listen to those who understand God’s wisdom. Equally important, we must put ourselves in a community of believers doing the same thing. Finally, we should continually pursue Truth and never stop praying for God’s wisdom.
This will not only help us live fulfilling and wise lives but will also protect us from evil.
Learning to live more wisely,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor