What an incredible way to end the week! The park was full of people from the neighborhood grilling food, playing games, and running around the playground. At least 100 kids were all over the park. Many of the kids and families were familiar faces from the work that had been done in preparation for this moment. The Lord provided a well stocked fishing hole for our team.
On Friday afternoon, while the men were shopping for home repair supplies, we came across a hobby shop or craft store. I wanted to purchase water-based paint to replenish what our kids had used throughout the week. While we were at the store, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to bless Sarah with supplies to help start the youth ministry that she has been praying for. So, I sent John and Sawyer around the store to help find crafts that pre-teen girls would enjoy. We found kinetic sand, playdough, window markers, and paint bottles.
Sawyer came up with hands full of supplies and asked if we could buy supplies for face painting at the park. Immediately, my brain was analyzing how that would go over and if there would be cultural barriers. The trip was built and intended to get the kids involved, and if that was something exciting for a child, then I knew we had to give it a shot. I asked him if he was willing to lead that activity and come up with little pictures the kids could choose from, and, to my surprise, he was filled with joy and excitement.
Casting the Nets

Many of the new connections we made at the coffee table and some of Sarah’s friends attended our dinner event in the park. Conversations that we thought were left in the hands of the Lord were revisited and continued. What a blessing.
When a football was thrown through the air, it was easy to draw a crowd of kids. When the jump rope came out, all the kids lined up to jump next. When the volleyball net was erected, they formed teams and called over their families. But the biggest crowd of kids formed when they saw the face paint. I have never seen so many kids come running and yelling for their friends. One of the most precious moments was seeing Alice and Beverly escorting groups of girls from the playground to the face paint.
This evening was from the Lord. The first few days of our trip were spent prayer-walking the neighborhood, asking for big things. We also spent many afternoons handing out free coffee and making connections. The parks were empty on Thursday, and the coffee table was slow. We started to lose steam. It was not encouraging. We prayed and asked God if we missed something and how we impacted the kingdom that day. Then, he gave us a field with incredibly rich soil. We were all astounded by His power and love. As we sit here discussing the day, we keep saying how incredible it was to have so many kids and families to share within one 3-hour event—the entire week leading up to this moment. It reminds me of the faith of Abraham that Bill taught on in our Romans series surrounding Romans 4:20-21.
Thank you for all of your prayers throughout the week. The Lord is moving in Tensta (Stockholm suburb)!! Please pray for the hundreds of kids who experienced God’s love through Sawyer and Alicia while doing face paint. Please pray for the dozens of kids that Carmen played with on the playground. Please pray for the dozens of connections, teens, and adults with whom Sarah can follow up and share the gospel with. Please pray for the team to retain all the incredible stories of this week and have countless opportunities to share with those in their circle of influence when they return to daily life. Please pray for safe travels home.
– Brent Kendall
Posted in Missions