There is nothing quite like being astounded by Jesus. Obviously, Jesus is always amazing, but sometimes, in our faith journey, He occasionally orchestrates something genuinely astounding.
In July, The Rock Church Youth Group attended our annual DTC (Discipleship Training Camp) in Colorado. It was a tremendous few days where our young men and women played tons of games, sang songs, and laughed with friends. What is more, they learned the biblical roadmap for godly manhood and womanhood. For this particular DTC, the men and women were in two separate camps — about an hour away from each other.
Because I helped the youth bands for both camps, I traveled back and forth between the two. One evening, while driving to the girl’s camp, my truck began making a terrible sound. Not to mention, it seemed as if my dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree displaying the many warnings of: “stability,” “ABS,” and “suspension.” I very cautiously made it there and back again. However, I had to endure the grinding sound coming from one tire. Additionally, I was concerned because I needed to tow a trailer full of music gear back to Utah two days later.
I didn’t know what to do. And I am absolutely the least mechanical person I know. So, I did what anyone in my situation would do — I made phone calls to those smarter than me. In short, they counseled me to drive 30 minutes to a nearby town and find a mechanic. It sounded like an easy plan. But it was a Saturday; I called six shops, and all of them were closed.
“Lord, Help Me”
I prayed while sitting in my broken truck on a dirt road. “Lord, please help me find an open shop so I can get my family and the gear home safely.”
Despite temptation to end my search, I decided to call one more place. A gentleman answered, and I almost dropped the phone. I was so amazed that someone had answered at all. Miraculously, I came to find out later that the shop was the only one open in the entire town.
At this point, I described my problem and asked if he could help. He said it was highly unlikely. The shop only had one mechanic, who was already running behind schedule. I immediately prepared myself for another disappointment. Then, surprisingly, the man said: “Hey, I noticed the caller ID came up as ‘The Rock Church.’ What is that?”
My caller ID said that? I laughed and explained I was a pastor and music director at a church in Utah. Along with that, I told him I was in Colorado helping some young men and women with their worship at a Christian camp.
To my amazement, the man described how he was also a Christian. Not only that, but he, too, played in a worship band. We both started laughing at the God story obviously unfolding in front of us.
Divine Opportunity
He told me to come to the shop; he’d see what he could do. I limped along slowly for 30 minutes and finally arrived. As I pulled up, a tall, smiling man came out and introduced himself as Austin. He ushered me into his office, excitedly showing me the new bass guitar he had just purchased. At the same time, he showed me the song set he was going to lead at church the next day.
Naturally, he asked the mechanic on site to assess my problem. The only mechanic instantly knew the car was in trouble and got it on a lift. As I waited, Austin and I spoke more about Jesus, his life, and faith. It turns out that I had my own little DTC there in the shop.
Moments later, the mechanic came back and asked us to follow him. He wanted us to see the problem. All things considered, I couldn’t believe what happened next. Simply making a fist, he pounded on the tire. And then the entire wheel fell off before our eyes! Without a doubt, it was a miracle that I hadn’t crashed the car already. Only Jesus could keep that wheel on.
Once diagnosed, we needed a part for the repair. They didn’t have it, and all the other shops were closed. My family and I would no doubt have to stay another day or two after the conference to get the car fixed.
He’s Always At Work
At that, my new Christian friend Austin started calling people he knew. By God’s amazing grace (again), he finally found a small shop that would sell him the part. We hopped in his truck and drove to get it. Along the way, Austin described his radical redemption story. One that involved a rescued marriage, a saved family, and an awesome local church. I was astounded not just by what I was hearing but also by how Jesus had aligned this incredible encounter to begin with.
After they fixed my car, I asked Austin and Ziba (the mechanic) if I could buy them Jimmy John’s for lunch. Reluctantly, they agreed. I quickly got the food, and as I handed Ziba his sandwich, he said, “I feel like I know you, that we have met before.” I explained the unlikeliness of that as I lived in Utah. This was a new part of Colorado for me.
Austin mentioned to Ziba that I was a pastor and music director of The Rock Church. Leaping out of his boots, Ziba said, “That’s it! That’s where I know you from. You are Steele Croswhite from The Rock Music.”
My jaw hit the floor. I shook my head and asked him how he even knew of The Rock Music. He said, “I love The Rock Music! I watched your YouTube music videos yesterday.” I was astounded! Austin and Ziba didn’t even know they were both Believers. Now, they could work together as brothers in Christ.
God’s Handiwork
I shared this incredible story with the young men and women at DTC. Like me, they were also amazed at God’s handiwork. Not only had Jesus led me to the only open shop in town, but He also introduced me to two Believers. In turn, they encouraged me and also (no doubt) spared me from a possible car accident.
Christian, these types of things may not happen every day for us. However, God is always at work in the lives of His children. Jesus sees you. He knows just what you need. Then He provides for you in just the right way, at just the right time.
This week, I encourage you to notice how Jesus works in astounding ways. Think through your own life and ponder how He has amazed you as well. Find time to read stories of Christians throughout the entire world who describe how Jesus has done miraculous things. What an encouragement that will be.
Astounded with you,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor