I gained encouragement during some interactions I’ve had with my oncologist. I will share it with you in the hope that you will be encouraged as well.
My oncologist has helped me with my ongoing cancer challenges and was at the helm through my sweet wife Jeanne’s battle with cancer. Back then, we used to joke with him that we were his two-for-one clients. I often thank him for his tireless attention to his cancer patients. He genuinely cares for me and my family. Consequently (and like all of us), he was especially burdened when Jeanne lost her battle with cancer.
During one of my visits with him (after Jeanne died), he asked me what I thought of the afterlife. Without a doubt, I believe the Lord was in the room with us. I thought for a moment, then looked him in the eye and shared this verse, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21
And then I went on to say, “I think that even in the tragic loss of my dear wife to cancer, I’m convinced Jeanne has gained. I miss her immensely. But I believe she is safely with Jesus, and I gain tremendous comfort from knowing that.” He seemed to genuinely grasp at trying to understand what I had said.
Again, I continued, “And for me to live is Christ; that’s why I’m still here, perhaps even for this moment and this conversation with you.” I certainly appreciate his brilliant mind, and he was soon back to explaining some doctor stuff. Interestingly enough, however, he kept using the word “gain” as he explained some things to me. By the end of my appointment, he said he couldn’t get that word out of his mind. I just smiled and said, “Me, too.”
He Shows Himself
Fast forward a couple of months. I was in the confines of familiarity, waiting for him in one of the many patient counseling rooms. As per usual, he was running behind due to the personal care he always gives each patient. When he finally entered the room, I could tell he was anxious to talk to me. Given that, I was kind of thinking, “Uh oh.” He quickly said, “I want to share something with you.”
I leaned in, and he said, “I have a deaf patient who is struggling with cancer, and she had a plaque engraved for me as a gift. As I read the plaque, she asked me if I knew where the saying was from, and I answered, ‘Yes, Philippians, Mac taught me that verse.’” Next, he went on (with a sheepish grin) to show me the plaque with the beautifully engraved words. And for me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Every once in a while, at least for me anyway, the Lord seems to indeed show Himself quite clearly. I can’t begin to explain how loved and affirmed I’ve felt from those experiences. I gained.
May God bless you and yours!
Posted in A Word from the Pastor