“This is what the Lord says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord.” — Jeremiah 9:23-24
Without a doubt, we live in a culture full of boasting, don’t we? There is no need to go further than our phones, computers, news feeds, billboards, television, radio (or even our mirrors) to see how prevalent boasting is.
Celebrities boast of their beauty, and athletes boast of their athleticism. Additionally, politicians boast about their policies. Many others also boast about their wealth, knowledge, or success.
If we’re honest, it can make us feel either incredibly proud or insecure. If you’re like me, perhaps you wonder, “What do I have to offer this seemingly accomplished world?”
Oftentimes (from this pride or insecurity), we tend to dig deeper into ourselves. We think we need more success or talents to keep up with the boasting culture.
There is an incredible longing inside of us. Indeed, it’s a longing to be “someone” or “something more.” However, after the boasting is over (if we even have something to boast about), we still have the same insecurities. Very possibly even worse.
Have You Considered?
Christian, ask yourself. “What area of my life do I boast about?” Even if it’s a good area (like your family, marriage, faithfulness, or ministry), does the boasting leave you feeling better or worse? More secure or insecure? Not to mention, this boasting can create a need in us. A need to compare ourselves to one another. Admittedly, we hope to outboast others.
Here’s something to consider. There’s a reason our boasting can’t ultimately satisfy us. He made us to worship. Not be worshipped.
You see, when we boast about ourselves, we receive worship. Either from ourselves or others. At the same time, this never brings lasting joy. Instead, it brings an inner rot. God made us to worship Jesus Christ alone. Not ourselves or the things of this world.
Look again at the verses above. God doesn’t tell us NOT to boast. He simply directs our boasting to the correct place — Him!
God can certainly handle our boasting or (worship) because only He is truly worthy. Boast in your knowledge of the Holy One and His kindness, faithfulness, and justice. Christian, shout it from the rooftops. The Lord always delights in such things.
Boast In Him
Do you know what happens to you when you boast in the Lord? Your heart becomes satisfied. It becomes full, content even. Why? Because your boast has found its rightful home in the worship of the Lord. And when we delight in Him, His glory naturally gives us joy.
Perhaps the wise men will boast of their riches and the strong man of his strength. Possibly, the rich will boast about their wealth. But as for me, let me forever boast in the only worthy one… JESUS.
In HIS awesomeness,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor