The goal of this year’s teachings (both on the weekends and at The Rock Men and Ladies’ Nights) is to help each other become “Fully Devoted Disciples” of Jesus. I think perhaps most of us (including me) would say I want to be a fully devoted disciple of Jesus. As Christians, you’d think this would be a given. I’ve certainly heard our pastors preach solid theological truth week in and week out. Doesn’t that automatically put me on the roller coaster of being a disciple? Whelp, yes and no.
Jesus calls me to love people. He’s reminded me of what real love is over the past few weeks (in a powerful way).
After spending some time studying the definition of love (according to 1 Corinthians 13), it became clear to me. Love is far more than our experience of emotions or pleasant feelings. It is, in fact, ACTION.
The Apostle Paul used a compelling Greek word when he described love in Corinthians. That word was “agape.” Agape love is sacrificial, active, and far beyond words. Equally important, agape love is a determined act of will.
What is more, knowing what that kind of love is, the Bible teaches us that we are to “love with action” our fellow Christians. Not only them but also those who do not know Jesus as their Savior.
As we actively love the Lost, we also need to show compassion (Matthew 9:36). It’s crucial to always share the Gospel with them (John 3:16) and love them authentically (Matthew 23:37).
Jesus said in John 13:35: “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” This week, ask yourself, “How is my ‘love’ life?”
All in all, do you sacrificially love your fellow Christians? How about actively loving the Lost around you with compassion and authenticity?
“I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” — Psalm 27:13-14
While studying the book of Joshua this last month, something caught my attention. When the Israelites conquered Jericho, God told them to destroy everything and keep no plunder. But Achan disobeyed the command. Joshua (Chapter 7) says he kept some of the plunder (which included a bar of gold). We don’t know how heavy the bar was, but if it was similar to modern bars, we’re talking about a million dollars of gold. In due time, God judged Achan and his family (and all of Israel) for that disobedience.
My wife’s mom, Judy, passed away just before Thanksgiving. We traveled back to Iowa a few weeks ago to celebrate her life. Christian funerals are always bittersweet for me. On the one hand, I am so sad at the loss of our loved ones. On the other hand, however, I feel almost envious that they are now in Paradise with Jesus! How incredible it is to know that in Heaven, there are no more tears, pain, poor eyesight, worries, migraines, sorrows, or death.
Without a doubt, the death of a loved one is never easy. But, as followers of Christ, our hope is sure; it’s never just wishful thinking.