The Rock Church

Radical Transformation

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Radical Transformation — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Like Paul, be willing to let go of preconceived notions and be open to God’s radical transformation of your life."

In Galatians (Chapter 1), Paul wrote about the radical change that happened to him. Plus, it only could have occurred through the revelation given to him by Jesus Christ. His incredible change shocked him completely. In fact, he basically had to hang out (for three years) with a fellow brother to process it all.

Before his life changed, I think that perhaps much of what he did was to look good in front of others and please them. I believe this because he eventually wrote (multiple times) that his drastic change, new identity, and Gospel didn’t come from man.

“Paul, an apostle— not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead.” — In Galatians 1:1

Paul’s religious accomplishments and zealous adherence to the law were naturally his identity (before Christ). However, after Christ, everything changed. Jesus was Paul’s new identity. Along with that, his mission had also completely transformed.

“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” — Galatians 1:10

He obviously no longer persecuted Jesus’ followers; instead, he became one of the most fervent advocates ever for the Gospel. Simply put, his new mission was to spread the message of salvation through faith in Christ. It was never through adherence to the law or to please man.

A Powerful Reminder

And lastly, he wrote, “For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man’s gospel.” — Galatians 1:11

Paul’s radical transformation undeniably changed his message and mission. Without a doubt, it’s a powerful testament to the divine origin of the Gospel he preached. There is a stark contrast between his former beliefs and his new proclamation of Christ’s sufficiency for salvation. It certainly underscores the supernatural nature of his conversion. It’s also a compelling argument for the authenticity of his apostleship and the truth of his message.

Paul’s changed life is a powerful reminder. A reminder that true change never comes from human effort or religious zeal. That is to say, it comes from a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ. With that in mind, his story should challenge us to examine our own lives and beliefs.

Personal Application

  1. Think about how your faith has shaped your identity and mission in life. Are there areas where you still rely on your own efforts rather than Christ?
  2. Like Paul, be willing to let go of preconceived notions and be open to God’s radical transformation of your life. Of course, this might possibly mean changing long-held beliefs or stepping out of your comfort zone to follow His calling.
  3. Always share your own transformation story with others. Your testimony, like Paul’s, is a powerful tool for spreading the Gospel. Equally important, it will encourage others in their faith journey.

Remember, the Gospel is not just a set of beliefs. All in all, it’s a life-changing encounter with the living God. Let Paul’s example inspire you to seek a deeper relationship with Christ continually. In the same way, allow His transformative power to work in your life.

Continually being changed,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor