The Rock Church

Loose Lips Sink Ships

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Loose Lips Sinks Ships – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Just like the idea that “Loose lips sinks ships.”, gossip is pure poison and can be destructive in our lives and those around us."

During WWII, the idiom “Loose lips sink ships.” was created. People needed to know the effects of careless words and unguarded talk. “Loose lips could leak secrets to the enemy, spread rumors, or create issues between people groups. Information passed from person to person could have grave results. Especially if the information wasn’t true.

Similarly, this concept was also understood and written about by Solomon in Proverbs 11:13:

A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.”

Just like the idea that “Loose lips sink ships.”, gossip is pure poison and can be destructive in our lives and those around us. Certainly, it sinks ships.

Think Before You Speak

Even though you have good intentions, speaking about situations that don’t involve you can cause a lot of friction. Indeed, it can be very damaging to others. People around you can easily lose trust in you and possibly wonder if you are doing the same thing when they aren’t around?

In addition, it damages your character and your witness as a Christian. How will others (at work or in your life) perceive your conversations when you speak ill of others?

Above all, your words carry incredible weight. Their repercussions have the potential to destroy careers, ministries, families and friends.

Jesus tells us, “And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.” — Matthew 12:36-37

With this in mind, if you value open and trusting relationships, avoid gossip and off-handed talk about others. Think before you speak. Is it truthful, helpful, inspiring and kind? Does it further the Gospel or put a bad taste in people’s mouths for Christianity?

In short, I challenge us all this week to think before we speak. Is our conversation going to bring life or sink ships?


Posted in A Word from the Pastor