The Rock Church

A Hunger for True Bread

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A Hunger for True Bread – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "We need the spiritual food that only comes from Him. And He invites us to His table and offers us this bread."

“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” –John 6:35 

I love bread. When I am not eating it, I am for sure thinking about when I will eat it again. Additionally, I am very blessed because my wife knows how to bake fantastic bread, and does it a lot! Lately, there have been days where we don’t have just one or two, but sometimes THREE, fresh, hot loaves of bread to partake of throughout the day. 

Now, in no way is what I am about to say a critique or a complaint about my wife’s bread. (Trust me, I’d buy the cologne if she could figure out how to bottle it.) But sometimes, I have filled myself up by snacking on so much bread throughout the day that I’ve got no appetite by dinner time.

Hungry for Him

I sometimes think this can often be true of many of us regarding to our spiritual life. We can very easily go about our days snacking and filling ourselves up with so many things that we’ve got no appetite by the time we come to His table.

These words from Jesus (in John 6) carry deep significance regarding our spiritual health. Jesus is telling us that there is something more vital to our well-being than physical food. We need the spiritual food that only comes from Him. And He invites us to His table and offers us this bread. Bread that certainly nourishes our souls daily.

The question I leave you with today is this, “Have you approached His table hungry and ready to be filled with the Word? Or have you perhaps filled yourself with things that have left your soul longing for real spiritual nourishment?” 

May God help give us a hunger to always come to Him daily — the Bread of Life!


Posted in A Word from the Pastor