I meet people all the time who are looking for something better. I often cringe when a new visitor at our church will “go off” about another church they’ve visited. For instance, they complain about the pastor having green teeth (or something like that). If the opportunity presents itself (and I often try to make it present itself), I recommend they talk to that pastor about the green teeth situation. They certainly need to work it out.
Let’s face it, looking down on others (and belittling them) is an easy trap to fall into. It’s like stepping in dog doo-doo without realizing it. Maybe it’s human nature to want to make ourselves look better by making others look bad. Admittedly, I catch myself doing it all the time. This behavior usually manifests itself into gossip. We think people should be all put together, like us — ha!
Without a doubt, people complain about others. It always puts me on guard. I naturally don’t want to give them any ammunition for me. I know full well they are probably going to talk about my green teeth behind my back.
Sadly, most of us slip into the camp of judging people by their appearances or preferences. Of course, we notice the obvious — how they look, smell, think, and talk. Hear my heart. There is a place to disagree and appropriately work out our differences, even if it leads to the stalemate of agreeing to disagree. And each of us is also responsible for establishing and standing on our convictions. But we still need to voice those convictions lovingly.
The Apostle Paul gives us a humbling approach to consider when thinking of others.
“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” — Philippians 2:3
I purposefully underlined and bolded the word better. If I’m honest, this is an incredibly challenging verse for me. I must always remember that God created all of us equally in His image. At our soul’s level, we are absolutely no better than anyone else. In fact, Paul directs us to think of others as better than ourselves.
With the Lord’s help, I’ve tried to incorporate a two-pronged approach when meeting people and implementing this verse.
Take thoughts captive if they do not honor God. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
My knee-jerk can be to think lowly of others. The Bible specifically states that we can take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. Give it a try. Ask yourself this question,
“Does what I think or say build them up?” (Ephesians 4:29)
Occasionally, I can control my mouth. But lately, I’ve asked the Lord to go beyond that and help me with my thoughts. This is because my ugly thoughts can be just about as harmful, or even more so, if I share them with others.
God is amazing. He’s graciously helping us at The Rock to build a spiritually safe environment to welcome people into. However, I think He would want us to do even better. It starts and ends with each one of us. It might be as easy as simply thinking of others as better than ourselves.
Your brother in Christ,
Posted in A Word from the Pastor