The Rock Church

Author Archives: admin

  1. Witness

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    “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servants whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.” – Isaiah 43:10

    This verse has been a reminder to me about how close God wants us to be to Him. We live in Christian culture that knows all ABOUT God. There are books upon books dedicated to teaching folks about His character, His Spirit, His Sovereignty, His Power. I have even seen books dedicated to His humor. Though all of these things are good, this verse tell us that God has set us apart to KNOW Him and UNDERSTAND Him, to be His WITNESS.


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  2. Dry Bones

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    Dry Bones

    “O Sovereign Lord,” I replied, “you alone know the answer to that.” — Ezekiel 37:3b

    This is the prophet’s response to a question God had just asked him. The Lord had led the prophet Ezekiel to a valley filled with dry bones. After looking at the bones, God asked Ezekiel, “Can these bones become living people again?”


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  3. Perdonar

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    “No tomen venganza, hermanos míos, sino dejen el castigo en las manos de Dios, porque está escrito: «Mía es la venganza; yo pagaré», dice el Señor.” – Romanos 12:19 (NVI)

    El perdonar es un acto que proviene de nuestro deseo (tomar una decisión). Recientemente conversaba con una persona en la iglesia, quien me dijo: “Realmente, no siento (sentimiento que nace del corazón) el perdonar a mi amiga” – yo entendí que las emociones de esta persona se encontraban muy alteradas, y que su dolor aún era muy real. Pero, después de oír su historia, y de mostrar mi comprensión en cuanto a su situación, le recordé que el perdonar no es opcional. Es más, el perdonar es un mandamiento: “…de modo que se toleren unos a otros y se perdonen si alguno tiene queja contra otro. Así como el Señor los perdonó, perdonen también ustedes.” – Colosenses 3:13 (NVI)


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  4. Forgiveness

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    “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”— Romans 12:19 (NIV)

    Forgiveness is an act of the will. I recently talked to a person at church who told me, “I don’t feel like forgiving my friend.” She was obviously emotional and hurting and her pain was very real. After listening to her story and empathizing with her situation, I reminded her that forgiveness was not an option. In fact, we are commanded to forgive: “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” — Colossians 3:13 (NIV).


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  5. Heavenly Minded

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    Heavenly Minded

    The wickedness of this world has been totally devastating me lately. I have been sorrowful and I have even cried. If you allow yourself to empathize with the families who have lost loved ones because of senseless acts of violence, you will indeed feel a burden that is too great to bear. Young children whose dads will not return home from duty, mothers whose children will never walk through the door again, friends and co-workers killed by bloodthirsty, pathetic men. It is an outrage and it should stop!


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  6. La Soledad

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    La Soledad

    “Vengan a mí todos ustedes que están cansados y agobiados, y yo les daré descanso”. Mateo 11:28

    La soledad, es algo muy difícil de comprender.

    Ya sea que estemos solteros o casados, jóvenes o de avanzada edad; la soledad es una condición de la cual todos hemos experimentado (en algún nivel). Yo creo que la soledad es mucho más que solo un problema mental o emocional. Yo creo que la Biblia nos dice que también es un problema espiritual.


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  7. Loneliness

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    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28

    Loneliness is a very difficult thing.

    Whether we are single, married, young or old, loneliness is something we all experience or have experienced (to some degree). I believe loneliness is much more than just a mental or emotional issue. I believe the Bible tells us it’s a spiritual issue, also.


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  8. Good Works

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    Good Works

    I was cleaning out the basement a few weeks ago and found an old journal of mine. After reading a few pages, it would seem that all I ever did back in 2007 was think about Jesus, talk about Jesus, read about Jesus and write about Jesus. A lot was going on in my life back then for sure: I had just married Ashley, I was a first year apprentice electrician, I was cranking through the Bible and deciding where I stood on heavy theological positions. I was also writing down prayers, leading people to Christ, and playing in one of the worship bands at The Rock.


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  9. Revealed

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    “For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” — Luke 8:16 -17

    I’d like to tell you a story. Although it took place a few years ago, it really encouraged my family’s faith and I believe that glorifies the Lord.


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  10. May Cause Death

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    Last week, a number of our pastors traveled to the great state of Iowa for our annual Pastor’s Conference. One of the conference speakers spoke on the unbelievable danger that pornography presents to our society. It impacts everyone: men, women, spouses, parents, and children.


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