The Rock Church

Author Archives: The Rock Church

  1. Don’t Put This Light Away!

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    Don’t Put This Light Away! – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "how you may feel about the Christmas lights coming down and getting packed away. However, I pray you’ll remember that the Light of the World"

    Christmas is indeed the most wonderful time of the year! But, the day after Christmas… not so much. Admittedly, all the excitement that went into putting up the Christmas lights is now nonexistent. The time has finally come to take them down.

    But certainly, don’t let December 26th be the day you put all of the excitement of Christmas away until next year. Instead, ponder the incarnation of God in the Lord Jesus Christ. It means He has come to illuminate our lives today and forevermore.


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  2. Home

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    With a heavy and thankful heart, I took a final, sweeping glance around the place my family and I had called home for the last eleven years. Then I locked the door and drove away. 

    As I did, memories flooded through me. I thought of bringing my two youngest daughters home from the hospital as newborns. And then, there were all the Christmas, birthday, and Thanksgiving dinners with friends and family. Another was the treasure map I made to look old and “hid” in the attic where my son could find it. Along with that came the cloth bag of quarters he dug up in the backyard. So. Many. Memories. 


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  3. Grief-Stained Joy

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    Grief-Stained Joy — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Our grief is certainly not erased like the shaking of an imaginary etch-a-sketch. It’s real, and it’s also necessary."

    Every day, I read from Milton Vincent’s book, “A Gospel Primer.” It has a 31-part section that fits nicely into my daily devotional routine. This phrase always catches me each time I read it (on the 14th of the month). He refers to a “grief-stained joy.” That idea resonates with me deeply when contemplating life. Especially today, as I write this, about ten steps away from my wife Jeanne’s hospital bed — it’s  awkwardly positioned in our bedroom. This verse specifically comes to mind as I search for solace.

    “If your instructions hadn’t sustained me with joy, I would have died in my misery.” — Psalm 119:92


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  4. The Circle of Blessing

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    The Circle of Blessing — a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "when we walk along His path (inside the circle of blessing), we enjoy true fellowship with our Father. We know He is always the giver"

    “Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found.” — Psalm 119:35

    As people, we look for happiness in a variety of places. Often, we look for happiness in our hobbies, careers, or even our family and friends. Indeed, these things can contribute to joy and happiness for all of us. I, too, find much comfort in many of them.

    I love what the Psalmist prayed. Without a doubt, we find happiness in the Lord’s commands. What a wonderful truth and tremendous reminder to us all. Walking in the “path” of God’s commands means naturally living in obedience to His Word and fellowship with Him.


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  5. Stay Awake! 

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    Stay Awake! – a word by Pastor Josh Whitney from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "what is happening around you? Equally important, are you praying? And ultimately, are you prepared for His return? Stay awake, Church!"

    “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” — Matthew 24:42

    You may have read a sad story in the news last week. A man shot at a woman, and the police then killed him (as of this writing, the details are still under investigation). But this happened a few miles from my house. Where this terrible story intersects my life (and your inbox) is that soon after the shooting, a police helicopter started circling the area and woke me up. 


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  6. Immanuel Christmas Series

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    Christmas is a celebration of God’s greatest promise to Mankind — we are not alone. We are not left alone in our suffering, hurts, brokenness, or sin. Matthew 1:23 says, “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel — which means, God with us.” In our Christmas series this year, we’ll explore the significance of God dwelling among us.


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  7. What God has Prepared

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    Made for Heaven — a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Undoubtedly, God has so much more for us in the future. Heaven awaits us. We will never be satisfied until then"

    “However, as it is written: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him’— but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.”— 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (NIV)

    I recently taught on a section of verses from Romans 8. As a result, it got me thinking about Heaven. We are told in Colossians 3:1-2 to get our minds and hearts on Heaven and not be fixed on earthy things. As I tried to apply that verse, I was reminded of a Christmas at our home many years ago.


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  8. Grief is an Oversized T-Shirt

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    Grief is an Oversized T-Shirt – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Unfortunately,(and unlike) a t-shirt, grief is not something you can take off. It is not something you can simply change out of."

    Yesterday (October 23) marked three years since my father passed away. In previous posts, I have shared some of the things the Lord has guided me through so far on this path of grief. With that in mind, today will be the latest entry into that diary.

    But first, a story. As children, my brother and I would oftentimes get our dad a t-shirt for his birthday. We’d get ones with his favorite rock bands on them. I always wanted to wear them to school, but they were obviously too big for me. However, as I got older, I began to grow into the shirts that once drowned me as a child. Today, I still have most of my dad’s shirts. You’ve probably seen me wear many of them often. 

    These memories have me reflecting on this thought:


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  9. What Would Your Nickname Be?

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    To Be or Not To Be — a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. “What do you want to be known for?” We’ve all heard of “to-do” lists, but how many of us have a “to-be” list?

    The dads in our amazing Youth Group teach each week’s lessons. This year, they’ve been covering several character sketches of men and women from the Bible. We’ve learned about both good and bad character from them.

    In turn, I taught on the character of Barnabas. I’ll ask you the same question I asked the youth and their parents.

    “Based on what those around you know about you and see in your life, what would your nickname be? What are you known for?”


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  10. Rocktoberfest 2023

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    This year’s Rocktoberfest will be held on Friday, October 27 (5:00 — 7:30 p.m.) at The Rock Church.

    Who wants to spend Halloween “just trick-or-treating” when you can have WAY more fun at Rocktoberfest! You’re not going to want to miss this action-packed evening at The Rock Church, where you can grab your Cheap Halloween Contacts and dive into a world of spooky festivities! Transform into your favorite character and join us for a night of unforgettable thrills and chills.


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