It’s difficult to raise children who will be equipped to face the world that’s waiting for them when they’re grown. How do we prepare them? How do we get them from infancy to adulthood and give them what they need to succeed in the life before them?
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This world thinks it has the answers, but it doesn’t. What we need are parents filled with faith, standing ready to love and train their children, and having Biblical standards to live by. What does that practically look like? You probably have a lot of questions that you’d like to ask. We’d like to help give you some answers. Please join us on September 25 & 26, as we hear from Steve Nelson (pastor and father of eight children, and author of the book Premeditated Parenting) and his wife, Kathleen. They will share Biblical principals and practicals to successfully love and raise children to be warriors for Christ..
Friday 7- 9:00 p.m., Saturday: 9- 3:00 p.m. (a light breakfast will be served, lunch will be on your own) at our Draper location (11630 S 700 E). Childcare will be provided. The cost is only $10.00 per couple and $5.00 per single. Questions? Contact, Brent Kendall.
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Events by Tony D'Amico