The Rock Church

Category Archive: Events

  1. Kid’s Rock Meeting

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    To all of our awesome parents who have children in our SLC Kid’s Rock program, and to all of our awesome teachers who serve: please join us THIS Saturday, August 16 at 6 p.m. at the Salt Lake building. We will introduce our new coordinators and talk about the important truths your kids will be learning this year — and how you can help them grow in the Gospel. Please contact Chris Erickson with any questions!

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  2. Provo Church Campout

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    Provo Campout

    If you are part of the The Provo Church, we are going camping and would love to have you join us! We’ll be camping on August 2-3 at Diamond Campground and THERE WILL BE NO CHURCH SERVICE ON SUNDAY IN PROVO (August 3) because we’ll be at the campground enjoying great food, fun activities and some baptisms! (more…)

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  3. Simply Sow during Easter!

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    Easter 2014 at The Rock Church

    Our Simply Sow series has been challenging and a great reminder to just simply sow seeds of the Gospel and let God take care of the rest! With Easter coming up this weekend, we wanted to give you at The Rock Church a few easy ways to simply sow to your friends, family or co-workers by having Easter invite cards at our services. (more…)

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  4. Building Permit!

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    Draper Building Permit

    Well, the exciting day has finally come! After literally months of hard work, we received our official “Building Permit” on Wednesday and we can press ahead full steam with our building project in Draper (see pictures image of the progress here)! Thank you again for all your prayers, support, and sacrifice to make this happen. Lives will be different because you gave!

    Also, just a reminder to please attend our Ground Breaking ceremony this Sunday, March 2 from 2-3:00 p.m. on the property (11630 S 700 E). See you Sunday!

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  5. My Hope America with Billy Graham

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    If you missed our special message this week about the My Hope America, give this article a read from Greg Johnson, the Standing Together President and My Hope America State Coordinator.

    On November 7, 8, and 9th here in Utah and across America, Christians have an incredible opportunity to lift up the name of Jesus Christ as the real solution to what ills our nation. At present, America is a dry and thirsty land, a nation who has lost her moral compass, where civility towards one another, respect for truths long held, and foundational Judeo/Christian values have been largely abandoned. America’s present enlightenment has not produced a better quality of individual, greater happiness for the masses, or greater prosperity for a larger number of people. Rather, America’s inner cities are filled with broken homes abandoned by fathers who have left behind families that are hurting financially and without guidance to the children they have deserted. The result of this is increased youth gang activities, violence in schools, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual misconduct, abortion, poverty, depression, and low self-esteem among millions of America’s uncared for children. Elite America, comprised of our celebrities, our business leaders, media moguls, sports figures, university educators, and the well off seem adrift to the core values and spiritual foundations that made this nation a great and blessed country, the envy of the whole world. Middle class America is struggling too, many are unemployed trying to pay their bills, looking for temporary pleasures to dull their pains, deal with their emptiness, and to fill their need for constant entertainment and diversion from reality. Jesus told us in the Bible that he did not come to help the healthy but to help the sick and hurting. If we are agreed that America is now a hurting nation who has walked away from the truths of a loving God, then may I suggest that what America needs most is a spiritual renewal and a revival? Every Christian in this nation can open their home, invite unsaved friends over for a meal, a dessert, or a snack to share a video of hope simply called “The Cross,” featuring America’s Pastor, Billy Graham, calling our nation back to the God of grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love with the message of the Christian Gospel. If we believe that the people of this nation, 60% of who do not regularly attend church, are in need of revival than can we not invite them over to our homes to share Dr. Graham’s message of hope? My prayer is that Christians will not miss this moment, but seize it, for the nation we love, the hurting people of our country, and the glory of the name of our God. My Hope America with Billy Graham is an opportunity to offer living water to quench the thirst of our spiritually dry land, let us then lift the cool waters of hope to everyone we can in early November.

    Greg Johnson
    Standing Together, President
    My Hope America, State Coordinator

    Please take time to watch this informational video to get a feel for the event.

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