The Rock Church

Category Archive: Missions

  1. Welcoming the Children: A Connection Through Generations

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    After a sunny day with some planning, exploring, and swimming in the ocean, the work we came here for officially began. Children ranging from toddlers to nineteen years old were gathered for a time of getting acquainted and worship on the beach. Thirty-seven children in all made for a lot of volume and kinetic energy, but our time was fruitful.

    “He told them, ‘Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me. And whoever welcomes me welcomes Him who sent me. For whoever is least among you – this one is great.” — Luke 9:48

    After a sunny day with some planning, exploring, and swimming in the ocean, the work we came here for officially began. Children ranging from toddlers to nineteen years old were gathered for a time of getting acquainted and worship on the beach. Thirty-seven children in all made for a lot of volume and kinetic energy, but our time was fruitful. The night ended with a rousing game of hide-and-seek amongst the tweens and teens. This game was of course in the dark, outside, on the large resort campus of a foreign country. God was definitely gracious to us.


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  2. Gathering with Brothers and Sisters: Following the Example of Paul

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    My family, church family, and I (18 of us in all) are here in Croatia to minister to our Brothers and Sisters living abroad as full-time missionaries. These missionaries live scattered throughout Europe, even as far as Africa.

    “There we found brothers and sisters and were invited to stay a week with them. And so we came to Rome. Now the brothers and sisters from there had heard the news about us and had come to meet us as far as the Forum of Appias and the Three Taverns. When Paul saw them, he thanked them and took courage.” — Acts 28:14-15

    It has been an encouraging coincidence that I happened to be studying the book of Acts both leading up to, and during this trip to Croatia. My family, church family, and I (18 of us in all) are here in Croatia to minister to the Saints living abroad as full-time missionaries. These missionaries live scattered throughout Europe, even as far as Africa. I haven’t met most of them yet, but am assuming that they don’t have the same comforts that come from having a close church family back in the States. These missionaries are all familiar with each other, but all working in different parts of the world. So, when they reunite tomorrow, I imagine it unfolding much like those verses above. Where brothers and sisters in Christ gather, there is mutual encouragement.


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  3. Pray for our Croatia Mission Team

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    A team of 18 from The Rock Church is headed to Croatia to provide childcare for missionary families attending the GCE conference. Please pray for this time.

    Over the next week, a team of 18 from The Rock is headed to Croatia to provide childcare for missionary families attending the GCE conference. Additionally, at the conference, our very own Bill Young is speaking about Heaven. And, the beloved Wisch family will be in attendance.

    Please pray for this time. Pray for traveling mercies for the TRC team and European missionaries. Pray for the missionaries and their families to be encouraged and refreshed during their retreat. And pray for much fruit in the global mission field to come from this time. Thank you for praying!

    Keep up with the TRC team’s activities in Croatia by following their blog.

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  4. Missions Gala

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    Our Second Annual Missions Gala

    What an unforgettable evening we have planned for you! We are hosting our second annual Missions Gala on Friday, March 6 (7-9:00 p.m.) at The Rock Church (11630 S 700 E, Draper). This remarkable event is designed to help raise funds and awareness for the current Missions and Cares Ministry involvement at The Rock Church. We’re hoping you will support these worthwhile efforts by attending this elegant gala.


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  5. Thank You, from the Lulu Tree

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    Have you ever taken a moment to consider the difference a church can make? I like to think about the church’s influence in terms of widening ripples in a pond. It starts with an individual who walks through the doors as a stranger to Jesus — and walks out a new creation in Christ. The ripples widen as their family visits the next week. Soon, the church has grown in size and influence in the community. It becomes an anchor that changes the lives of not just those who attend each week but also those who benefit from the love the church lavishes on those around them. By being the hands and feet of Jesus, the local church becomes not an institution but a family, a safe place where people can grow in faith and support one another through the ups-and-downs of life.


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  6. Missions Gala

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    The Rock Church Missions Gala 2019

    Our First Annual Missions Gala

    What an unforgettable evening we have planned for you! We are hosting our first annual “Missions Gala” on Friday, March 15 (7-9:00 p.m.) at The Rock Church (11630 S 700 E, Draper). 

    This remarkable event is designed to help raise funds and awareness for the current Missions and Cares Ministry involvement at The Rock Church. We’re hoping you will support these worthwhile efforts by attending this elegant gala. 


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  7. Mission to the City 2018

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    The Rock Church Mission to the City

    The Rock Cares Ministries is excited to announce Mission to the City (MTTC) initiative planned for THIS summer (August 14 — August 18). We know there are many needs throughout the Salt Lake Valley — our hope is to respond with the love of Christ by taking action. We are asking you, the Church, to roll up your sleeves and join us! This week will be a marvelous opportunity to practically help those in need. We will organize and support all of these events to help make our “Mission to the City” a true blessing to those we’re serving and also to the family of The Rock Church.

    We will begin the week with a night of envisioning and praying over the Salt Lake Valley on Tuesday, August 14 (7:00 p.m.) at Flat Iron Park (1700 E 8600 S). We’ll then start serving our community in some amazing ways every day and night through Saturday, August 18. Not only will we be partnering with some of our Rock Cares Ministries (The Road Home, Pregnancy Resource Center, Prison Ministry, and others), but we’ll also participate in hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive (at our church building), serve the police and fire departments, and many other community-focused events.

    We will finish the week by inviting our friends and neighbors to The Rock Cares Celebration (August 18, 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.) at our church building (11630 S 700 E). This will be an exciting event (complete with bouncy castles, Cares Information Booths, food, music, and fun). You definitely won’t want to miss it!

    Donate to Support Mission to the City

    Another way you can practically support The Rock Cares Ministry is by helping to fund these amazing activities. Whatever amount you donate will supplement the costs of these events. We’ve made it very easy for you to give, too. Grab your phone and text-to-give (Text 84321 and in the message spot put the $$ you want to donate and then “cares” — i.e.: 84321, $00 cares) or select The Rock Cares category on PCO Giving. It’s that easy to bless the lives of others.

    Get Involved Today

    You can get more information on each event and sign up by visiting today. If you have any questions, please contact Steve McInroy. Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity to serve others with The Rock Cares “Mission to the City”!

    Sign Up Today!

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  8. Italy Mission Update

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    Europe Mission Trip

    2 Corinthians 9:11 You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

    Thanks be to God, and to all of you, who participated in our Family Game Night fundraiser. The 2017 Italy Mission Team is so blessed by the generosity of The Rock Church saints. The fragrance of Christ permeated the church building on Sunday night, with laughter and joy as people of all ages came together to play games, enjoy amazing snacks, and support the upcoming short term mission trip to Italy. Together, we raised more than $2,100 during the event, that will be go directly to the team – expenses like air travel, lodging and food – will be provided for the team thanks to your generous donations.


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  9. Romania Mission Trip

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    Romania Mission Trip

    In August, several members of The Rock Church will be traveling on a Jettly private plane to Romania to serve with the Casa Sperantei (The House of Hope) Ministry (located in Northwest Romania). This ministry targets six different villages in order to reach out to both Romanian and Roma (Gypsy) children/teens and their families. If ever by chance you visit London, here you’ll see these Earls Court serviced apartments which are in excellent location for a short stay in west London! If you will be travelling here using your private jet, make sure to have an aircraft maintenance company check your jet to make sure it is in good condition.


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  10. The Rock Cares Ministry

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    The Rock Cares and we want the world to know it.

    The Rock Cares includes all of the compassion and outreach ministries in our church. We believe (that in many ways) these ministries are the hands and feet of what we do here at The Rock Church. We want to do our best to connect our hands and feet to the greater body of Christ (not only in our own church but throughout the world).


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