The Rock Church

Category Archive: Series

  1. Death to Life: The Promise of the Ressurection

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    Death to Life Easter Services

    The last week of Jesus’ life changed the world. Imagine the contrast of emotions that His disciples experienced during the final days before His death. Join us this Easter as we experience a unique, two-week journey, that will take us from darkness to light and from death to life! April 13/14 and April 20/21 (Saturday 6:00 p.m., Sunday 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.).


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  2. Get Wisdom – From the Book of Proverbs

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    Get Wisdom: Practical Wisdom for Life from the Book of Proverbs, is a 14-weel sermon series from The Rock Church in Draper Utah.

    The Book of Proverbs provides God’s wisdom for living life. King Solomon, the wisest King of Israel, penned this incredible book of wisdom. It addresses practical issues like: friendship, integrity, marriage, money, matters of the heart, resisting temptation, and dealing with trials. Wisdom for living is found in this amazing book — it promises life to those who follow its advice and death to those who ignore it. Learn how to “Get Wisdom” for your life. 


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  3. 1 Timothy – What Godliness Looks Like in the Church

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    1 Timothy – What Godliness Looks Like in the Church, a sermon series by the Rock Church in utah

    if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. – 1 Timothy 3:15

    In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul is writing a letter to a young church leader. He has specific instructions for Timothy to know how to “fight the good fight”, how to lead his church, and what it looks like to live a godly life. Many of the challenges that Timothy faced in his church, we are still facing today. Challenges such as: dealing with false teachers, worship, prayer, character qualities of leadership, how we should treat each other, and how we should live our lives. Join us as we take a look at this powerful book and discover what godliness looks like in the church.

    Series runs from September 8 – December 2 at all services!

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  4. God With Us Christmas Series

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    It says in Matthew 1:23, “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him ‘Immanuel’ — which means, God with us.” Christmas isn’t ultimately about gifts, pretty lights, Santa, or a festive party. Christmas is about the coming of God into this world. Jesus of Nazareth — God in the flesh — came to this world as a baby. He grew up to become a man and then died. He died for the sins of all Mankind — including yours. This four-part series will start December 2 & 3. Join us during this Christmas season as we reflect on the birth, humanity, divinity, and saving power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


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  5. Finding Joy

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    Finding Joy, a sermon series at The Rock Church in Utah

    We live in a world that constantly offers us ways to achieve happiness by improving our circumstances. Unfortunately, such happiness is always fleeting. It never lasts. In contrast, the Apostle Paul was finding joy in the midst of very difficult circumstances. How was he able to do that? He understood that true joy comes from Gospel-first relationships, goals, desires, and obedience. This ten-week series will emphasize that joy comes from pursuing God wholeheartedly, giving ourselves away, and learning to dwell on all that is good. Join us as we study the Book of Philippians together — where we’re finding joy in the journey.


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  6. The Bible on Trial Sermon Series

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    Bible on Trial, A Sermon Series by The Rock Church


    Over the years, no book has come under more criticism and scrutiny than the Bible. People have looked for ways to disprove and dismiss it. Even today, the accusations and claims made against it are staggering. With the endless discoveries being made in the worlds of academia and science alone (not to mention archeological discoveries), is there any reason to believe the Word of God? In a court of law, would the claims of the Bible withstand the scrutiny of its opponents? Are there witnesses and evidence to defend the Scriptures?


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  7. Join Us This Easter!

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    Join Us This Easter at The Rock Church!

    Good news is hard to find. We live in crazy times, where bad news is the norm rather than the exception. If there’s ever a time we could use a fresh dose of good news, it’s today. In our Easter series called GOOD News (for a change), we will learn how Jesus changes everything. You will discover how Jesus came to this planet to bring the Good News of hope, healing, and freedom — to YOU!


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  8. “You Asked For It” Series

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    You Asked for It series

    We all have questions.

    What does God say about sexuality and gender issues? If God is good, why is there so much suffering in the world? Who would God vote for as President? Sometimes, it’s hard to find the answers we need. In our upcoming 15-week series, You Asked For It, you’ll have a chance to discover answers to the questions you’ve been asking.


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  9. Galatians Series

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    Galatians Series

    The Book of Galatians is one of the Apostle Paul’s most impassioned and eloquent letters. It warns Christians about the dangers of both legalism and lawlessness, calling Believers to live in the freedom of a gospel-shaped life.


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