“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” — Romans 8:28 (NIV84)
My mom died a few weeks ago. We didn’t expect it. It happened suddenly.
Without a doubt, death is never easy. Grieving the loss of a loved one is not something we look forward to. Neither would we describe such experiences as “good.” They are really hard. They hurt.
Recently, I spoke about prayer at our monthly meeting for The Rock Men. Preparing for it reminded me how important prayer truly is. I was challenged by this question, “What is one thing I can set in place to pray more?”
Prayer really is a lifeline for Christians. Martin Luther said, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” It is such an essential and powerful part of our lives. Sadly, it can too easily be put on the back burner in the craziness of life. Simply put, we live in the most distracting time in the history of the world. We have enough content in our phones to fill multiple lifetimes. So, how do we pray more? How do we implement that “one thing”?
I am absolutely blown away by the responses from the first blog I sent out a few weeks ago. I have received so many encouraging emails, texts and phone calls from friends and loved ones about how helpful my thoughts were. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I’ve also received many inquiries about the other thoughts (I’d mentioned I’d written down). Since I gave you part one, I thought I’d give you part two. (Hey, who knows, maybe I’ll write a book one day?)
There is one thing I know. At some point, you will definitely offend or sin against someone close to you. Simply stated, between family, friends, co-workers, (or just doing life with people) conflict happens.
The good news is that the time between the offense and the resolution is within our control. Dealing with it quickly creates peace in our hearts. On the other hand, if not dealt with, conflict causes war in our hearts. Jesus gives us some clear steps on how to resolve conflict.
On October 23, 2020, as I was sitting in the passenger seat of my father’s car, my dad went into cardiac arrest behind the wheel. This Saturday will mark one year since his passing.
This last year has been a whirlwind for me. In my mind and in my heart, every day has felt like I’m locked up inside of a room with a vacuum running amuck; it refuses to turn off. (That is my best attempt to try and explain what we call “grief”.)
Our Small Group is reading a book called “Knowing God” by J.I. Packer. In a chapter entitled, “God’s Wisdom and Ours”, Packer uses two examples to explain what God’s gift of wisdom is and what God’s gift of wisdom is not. He relates it to being taught how to drive. He says,
There are plenty of things to follow these days. A few that come to mind are: news, sports, popular trends, social media and music. Without a doubt, the list is endless. As I’ve thought about it, I’ve realized something. When I choose to follow Jesus (ahead of all the other things vying for my attention) I find a clarity not found anywhere else. It reminds me of these verses:
“And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”— Colossians 2:6-7 (NLT)
I really love serving God. I absolutely mean it. My heart longs to do more for Him. I love serving His people and playing music for Him. I love knowing Him more and more. Each day, I seek to bring honor to God by serving Him.
That being said, this verse in Psalm 50 has recently really impacted me. Prior to verse 23, God reminds His people that though they “sacrifice” to Him, what really brings Him honor is giving thanks to Him.
“Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.” — Hebrews 2:1
What’s the opposite of paying attention? It’s being distracted. It’s not listening carefully. When I’m working on an important project, I turn off distractions. I need to pay attention.
Admittedly, we live in an age of distractions. They make it difficult to connect with the people in front of us and also the Lord! Because of that, I made a decision ten months ago, to stop listening to the radio.
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” —Revelation 3:20 (NIV84)
A few years ago, while on vacation in Maine, my wife and I went to a Bean Supper at a little church. We’d seen the sign on their lawn advertising “Bean Supper. All are welcome!” How could we pass that up? We arrived early, but soon realized we weren’t really welcome at all. Folks (who obviously knew one another) occupied every seat. No one acknowledged our presence or greeted us. Indeed, no one seemed to care. As a result, we left without eating a single bean. (I probably had to eat lobster … again!)
After that experience, we felt:
Unwelcomed and unwanted (awkward and out of place)
Unvalued and unaccepted (fell short of expectations or rules)
Unsatisfied (we were still hungry)
I know many people who feel unworthy after a bad church or religious encounter. Perhaps, that’s you?
Maybe you felt:
Unwelcomed and unwanted (awkward and out of place)
Unvalued and unaccepted (unable to meet expectations or rules)
Unsatisfied (still hungry for God)
If that’s you, I have good news for you. God has an invitation for you. He wants you to attend the most extravagant celebration ever imagined — the wedding feast of the Lamb. When you arrive, Jesus will eagerly meet, greet and seat you. Certainly, He will serve you as the guest of honor.
“Will you accept His invitation? Will you repent of your sins, humble yourself and come to Jesus?” You can then feast on His mercy, grace and forgiveness. Jesus is inviting you. However, you must come to the table. (Click here to find out more).