Community / Small Groups
Small Groups
Smaller is better. How often do you hear that?
In a big church, it’s easy to put on a smile, say the right things, and when the last song has finished to bolt out the door and return to our normal, everyday lives. But following Christ is so much more than smiles and small talk. The Gospel has the power to change the world, and that change is accomplished through the lives of individual people, following Christ one day at a time.
Jesus spoke often on the value of friendship and community. Even as God in the flesh, Christ needed companions. We do as well. That’s where Small Groups come into the picture. A Small Group is, well, just that: a small group of usually 8-12 people who are committed to study the Bible together, share each other’s burdens and joys, pray for one another and generally live life together. (But, you know, not all in the same house or anything like that… unless you really want to.)
So, what will it look like when you show up at a small group? For starters, you’ll be meeting in someone’s home. There will more than likely be good food, and a generally relaxed atmosphere. Small groups focus on different topics through out the course of the year, but heart of small group is always the Bible. You’ll talk about what God is teaching you through His Word, learn from others about what God is doing in their lives, and usually you’ll spend some praying with one another. Then, there is more food.
Interested in leading a Small Group?
Start with watching our Small Group Leader Orientation video on our website. Included with the video, you’ll find the Small Group Leader Orientation Notes, Tips for leading a Small Group, the Small Group Leader Application, and The Rock Membership Covenant. If you have any questions about leading a Small Group, contact Pastor Bryan at
If you have further questions, please email