Community / Missions / Italy
Sharing the Gospel through English Clubs
For many years now we annually send a team in the fall to support one of our sister churches, Il Refugio (The Refuge). The church is located close to the college campus and it hosts conversational English clubs for students. This week long trip is a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus with students and at the same time provide them a much needed service through helping them improve their conversational English skills. We show up and God brings the students he wants us to get to know and outreach to. It’s so simple and such a blessing to the local missionaries.
Mission Opportunities
English Clubs, Outreach, Encourage and Support the local church, Connect Students to the local church, and Participate in taking the gospel to other parts of the world
- City: Milan
- Dates: Oct 2025
If you have questions or would like to be part of the team, contact Pete Pelegrin.

Read Stories from the Mission
English Club has been well attended!
English clubs have been going well. We’ve had over 70 people sign up for them so far, and we’re hoping to have 100 people sign up by the end of the week.… read more →
Salvation on Day One
Well, we’ve been in Italy a little over 24 hours. We got here with everyone, all our luggage, and only mild jet lag. The weather has been pretty nice for us, so… read more →
Italy Mission Update
2 Corinthians 9:11 You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. Thanks be to God, and to all of… read more →